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Table 1 Key model parameters with source and ranges (epidemic and behavioral characteristics, intervention scale and effectiveness, health and intervention costs)

From: Comparative effectiveness and cost-effectiveness of antiretroviral therapy and pre-exposure prophylaxis for HIV prevention in South Africa


Value and source




HIV prevalence

17.9% [24]

17.2% to 18.3%



Initial access to ART

40% [24]

35% to 45%

ART quit rate (annual)

0.02 Est

0.00 to 0.20

Sexual transmission reduction

95% [9]

50.0% to 99.0%



PrEP quit rate (annual)

0.05 Est

0.00 to 0.20

Sexual acquisition reduction

60% [15, 16]

10% to 90%

Sexual behavior


Number of sexual partners per year - general

1.5 [25], Est

1 to 2

Number of sexual partners per year - high risk

4 Est

3 to 5

Condom usage rate - general

25% [25], Est

10% to 40%

Condom usage rate - high risk

5% Est

0% to 10%

Condom effectiveness

90% [26]

85.0% to 95.0%

Annual costs (US$)


Non-HIV medical costs


100 to 300

HIV costs

1,000 [27]

800 to 1200

ART cost

150 [28, 29]

100 to 200

PrEP cost

80 [28, 29]

50 to 250

  1. ART, antiretroviral therapy; PrEP, pre-exposure prophylaxis.