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Table 1 Demographic, neuropsychological and fMRI task performance data

From: Reduced hippocampal activation during episodic encoding in middle-aged individuals at genetic risk of Alzheimer's Disease: a cross-sectional study


ε3/ε3 (n = 17)

ε3/ε4 (n = 23)

Age (years)

52.1 (6.8)

54.0 (5.6)

Age Range (years)

42 – 65

43 – 65

Education (years)

15.9 (2.1)

16.5 (2.6)

Gender Ratio: Female/Male



Handedness (% righthanded)



Homocysteine (μmol/l)

8.2 (1.8)

7.9 (1.5)

Blood Cholesterol (mg/dl) 1

215.8 (32.6)

204.9 (31.4)

Hematocrit (mL/dl)

40.0 (2.1)

40.6 (2.6)

Hemoglobin (g/dl)

13.8 (0.8)

13.9 (0.9)

Systolic Blood Pressure (mmHg)

131.5 (14.1)

132.6 (17.8)

WASI Verbal IQ

112.8 (8.6)

113.6 (10.5)

WASI Performance IQ

114.0 (8.4)

111.9 (8.5)

WAIS-III Working Memory

109.5 (14.5)

104.4 (13.5)

COWAT adjusted raw score

42.8 (10.9)

47.1 (10.0)

Boston Naming Test

56.6 (2.7)

56.6 (1.8)

RAVLT total recall trials 1–5

54.0 (5.2)

52.1 (7.5)

RAVLT short delay recall

11.6 (2.6)

11.0 (2.1)

RAVLT long delay recall

11.7 (2.3)

10.7 (2.9)

RAVLT recognition

14.1 (1.2)

14.0 (1.4)

Trail Making Test A (s)

27.1 (6.0)

27.0 (8.1)

Trail Making Test B (s)

55.4 (19.7)

67.0 (22.3)*


4.2 (4.4)

4.1 (4.2)

Snodgrass Accuracy (%)

99.1 (1.2)

98.6 (2.2)

Snodgrass RT (sec)

0.81 (0.2)

0.89 (0.1)

Snodgrass Misses

0.3 (0.8)

0.7 (1.6)

  1. Data are presented as mean (SD). * denotes significant differences (p < 0.05) between the groups. WASI = Wechsler Abbreviated Scale of Intelligence, WAIS = Wechsler Adult Intelligence Scale, COWAT = Controlled Oral Word Fluency Test, RAVLT = Rey Auditory Verbal Learning Test, CES-D = Center for Epidemiological Studies – Depression Inventory. See text for further discussion of test measures. 1 = total non-fasting Blood Cholesterol