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Table 2 Baseline characteristics of the randomized patients

From: Knee arthroscopy and exercise versus exercise only for chronic patellofemoral pain syndrome: a randomized controlled trial


Arthroscopy group (N = 28)

Control group (N = 28)



Age, years

28.4 (7.5)

28.4 (5.6)

Female % (N)

60.7 (17)

64.3 (18)

Height, cm

171.7 (10.2)

172.4 (9.6)

Weight, kg

69.0 (19.3)

71.4 (15.1)

BMI, kg m-2

24.1 (3.3)

23.8 (3.6)

Duration of symptoms, months

54.9 (73.4)

45.0 (74.9)

  1. There were no statistically significant differences between the groups.
  2. Data are mean (SD) or per cent (N).