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Table 4 Sensitivity, specificity and predictive accuracy of DSM-5 strict and relaxed criteria for DSM-IV delirium

From: Concordance between DSM-IV and DSM-5 criteria for delirium diagnosis in a pooled database of 768 prospectively evaluated patients using the delirium rating scale-revised-98

Detection accuracy measure

Strict criteria

Relaxed criteria

number/Number (%) (95% CI)


155/510 (30) (26 to 35)

455/510 (89) (86 to 92)


255/258 (99) (97 to 99)

247/258 (96) (93 to 98)

Positive Predictive Value

155/158 (98) (95 to 99)

455/466 (98) (96 to 99)

Negative Predictive Value

255/610 (42) (38 to 46)

247/302 (82) (77 to 86)

  1. CI confidence interval, DSM-IV Diagnostic and Statistical Manual fourth edition, DSM-5 Diagnostic and Statistical Manual fifth edition.