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Table 2 Characteristics of studies evaluating OncotypeDX®

From: Incorporation of tissue-based genomic biomarkers into localized prostate cancer clinics

First author and year

Number of cases

Study population

End point

Main results

Klein et al. [30] 2014

608 patients

Radical prostatectomy and Prostate biopsies

Metastases after radical prostatectomy and adverse pathology in radical prostatectomy specimen

Prediction of adverse pathology at radical prostatectomy using prostate biopsies tissue.

Cullen et al. [31] 2015

431 patients

Prostate biopsies in very low, low and intermediate Prostate cancer patients

Adverse radical prostatectomy pathology and biochemical recurrence

Increased BCR risk at univariable analyses and after adjusting for risk groups at multivariable using prostate biopsy tissue