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Fig. 1 | BMC Medicine

Fig. 1

From: Evaluation of computer-based computer tomography stratification against outcome models in connective tissue disease-related interstitial lung disease: a patient outcome study

Fig. 1

a–c Glyphs demonstrating the CT parenchymal pattern extents of each patient in each of the three connective tissue disease-related interstitial lung disease groups (a = Group 1 (n = 15); b = group 2 (n = 138); c = group 3 (n = 50)) derived following CALIPER CT analysis. Each glyph comprises six wedges, corresponding to lung zones (upper, middle and lower for each lung). The size of a wedge reflected the volume of the zone relative to the total lung volume. Within each lung zone, every voxel was classified into one of eight separately colour coded CALIPER parenchymal patterns: ground glass opacity, yellow; reticular pattern, orange; honeycombing, brown; Grade 1 decreased attenuation (DA), light green; Grade 2 DA, light blue; Grade 3 DA, dark blue; Normal lung, dark green; pulmonary vessel volume (PVV; pulmonary arteries and veins, excluding vessels at the lung hilum), white. The relative volumes of the patterns within a zone determined the proportions of each colour in a zone; dotted concentric lines represent quintiles of lung volume

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