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Table 2 Overview of included studies

From: What works for whom in the management of diabetes in people living with dementia: a realist review


Methodological approach

Types of outcomes

Diabetes AND dementia (n = 10)

 • Clinical guidance on management of diabetes in PLWD

 • Impact of dementia on self-management (SM)

 • SM support for people with cognitive impairment (CI)

 • 3 literature reviews

 • 1 controlled (not randomised) study

 • 1 guideline

 • 2 qualitative

 • 1 description of a service

 • 1 cross-sectional survey

 • 1 mixed methods

 • Glycated haemoglobin (HbA1c)

 • Hypoglycaemia

 • Impact of dementia on SM

Note that only one study evaluated an intervention (Camp 2015)

Dementia NOT diabetes (n = 31)


 • SM support for PLWD

 • Support for family carers

 • Medication management

 • Home-based support for PLWD (e.g. delivered by an occupational therapist)

 • Cognitive rehabilitation

Study type

 • 9 qualitative

 • 9 systematic reviews

 • 7 randomised controlled trials (RCTs, 3 papers report 1 study)

 • 6 other

Patient outcomes include:

 • Cognitive function

 • SM-related behaviours such as knowledge and self-efficacy (but not diabetes focused)

 • Quality of life

 • Experiences and views

 • Mood

Carer outcomes include:

 • Carer stress, burden, quality of life

 • Experiences and views

Diabetes NOT dementia (n = 32)

Participants include older adults, those with complex health needs (comorbidity, frailty, etc.), people with mental illness and adults with type 2 diabetes mellitus


 • Interventions related to improving SM (e.g. use of assistive technology (AT), SM support or decision aids)

 • Better understanding the needs of people with diabetes

 • 5 guidelines

 • 9 other (variety of study designs)

 • 7 qualitative

 • 5 RCTs

 • 5 systematic reviews

 • Glycaemic control

 • Patient knowledge, self-efficacy

 • Diabetes self-care practices

 • Feasibility and acceptability of interventions

 • Quality of life

 • Views and experiences

Other (e.g. people with chronic illness, frail older people, people with multimorbidity or long-term condition) n = 15


 • SM support for conditions other than diabetes

 • Service organisation

 • Use of AT in older people

 • 5 qualitative

 • 4 RCTs

 • 1 systematic review

 • 4 other

 • Views and experiences

 • Self-care related outcomes (e.g. knowledge, self-efficacy)

 • Use of AT