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Table 8 Sociodemographic characteristics of women included in the study in Kandahar and Bamyan villages at baseline

From: Can community health worker home visiting improve care-seeking and maternal and newborn care practices in fragile states such as Afghanistan? A population-based intervention study


Number (%) of mothers in Bamyan intervention and control villages at baseline (n = 709)

Number (%) of mothers in Kandahar intervention and control villages at baseline (n = 699)

Mother’s age (mean, SD) (n = 1397)

27.8 (5.9)

28.8 (6.7)

Mother’s education level (n = 1408)


502 (70.8%)

365 (52.2%)

 Primary (grade 6)

70 (9.9%)

237 (33.9%)

 Secondary (grade 9)

24 (3.4%)

24 (3.4%)

 High School (grade 12)

41 (5.8%)

6 (0.9%)


26 (3.7%)

5 (0.7%)


46 (6.5%)

62 (8.9%)

Ethnic language group (n = 1407)


709 (100%)

0 (0%)


0 (0%)

699 (100%)

Husband/Partner’s education (n = 1408)


272 (38.4%)

350 (50.1%)

 Primary (grade 6)

98 (13.8%)

212 (30.3%)

 Secondary (grade 9)

68 (9.6%)

51 (7.3%)

 High school (grade 12)

64 (9.0%)

25 (3.6%)


70 (9.9%)

7 (1.0%)


137 (19.3%)

54 (7.7%)

Husband/Partner’s occupation (n = 1370)

 Does not work

30 (4.4%)

33 (4.9%)

 Servant/household worker

4 (0.6%)

19 (2.8%)


345 (50.1%)

143 (21.0%)

 Livestock herder

4 (0.6%)

28 (4.1%)


118 (17.1%)

142 (20.9%)

 Street seller/vendor

2 (0.3%)

24 (3.5%)


55 (8.0%)

238 (35.0%)


11 (1.6%)

15 (2.2%)