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Table 2 Duration of treatment and drug combinations in different clinical scenarios

From: Practical issues in clinical scenarios involving CKD patients requiring antithrombotic therapy in light of the 2017 ESC guideline recommendations

Clinical scenario


Low bleeding risk

P-D < 25

Level of evidence/References

High bleeding risk

P-D > 25

Level of evidence/References

Duration (months)


Duration (months)


Medical treatment

Stable CAD

No indication for DAPT (unless overridden by prior indications)




A + T or A + C, but not P (TRILOGY, TRITON [46, 47])

IA [48, 49]

IIbB [50] for T60

1 at least, up to 6

A + C, but not A + T in medically treated ACS patients with high bleeding risk in ESC Update


PCI with stent

Stable CAD


A + C


IIbA [51,52,53,54]

3, lower to 1

A + C

IIaB [55, 56]

IIbC [57, 58]


12 up to indefinite

A + T or A + P

or A + C

IA [46, 48, 49]

IIbB [50, 59, 60] for T60b


A + C or A + T

IIaB [8, 61, 62]



Preferable not to use in persons with high bleeding risk, since DAPT duration is at least 12 months or more (A + P or A + T)

IIaC [63,64,65]

  1. aNo reference for this in ESC Update
  2. bPatients >50 years old and with creatinine clearance <60 mL/min/1.73 m2: longer than 12 months (up to indefinite)
  3. A aspirin, ACS acute coronary syndrome, BRS bioresorbable scaffolds, C clopidogrel, CAD coronary artery disease, DAPT dual antiplatelet therapy, P prasugrel, PCI percutaneous coronary intervention, P-D PRECISE-DAPT score, T ticagrelor, T60 Ticagrelor 60 mg b.i.d