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Table 3 Comparison between GRACE score, NOESY RF score and a linear combination of NOESY RF and GRACE scores (GRACE + NOESY RF scores)

From: NMR-based metabolomics identifies patients at high risk of death within two years after acute myocardial infarction in the AMI-Florence II cohort


GRACE score

NOESY RF score


Training set

 AUC (95% CI)

0.815 (0.794-0.820)

0.859 (0.858-0.860)

0.875 (0.864-0.885)

 Harrell’s c index

0.776 (0.761-0.781)

0.806 (0.805-0.809)

0.828 (0.821-0.835)

Validation set,


0.756 (0.754-0.758)

0.801 (0.800-0.802)

0.823 (0.822-0.825)

 Harrell’s c index

0.740 (0.744-0.747)

0.789 (0.789-0.790)

0.809 (0.808-0.810)

  1. GRACE Global Registry of Acute Coronary Events, NOESY nuclear Overhauser effect spectroscopy, RF random forest, AUC area under the receiver operating characteristic, CI confidence interval