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Fig. 6 | BMC Medicine

Fig. 6

From: Mass cytometry analysis reveals a distinct immune environment in peritoneal fluid in endometriosis: a characterisation study

Fig. 6

CD69 defines distinct phenotype across T cell lineages in PF. a Frequencies of CD69 across T cell lineages are generally increased on endometriosis (n = 7) PFCs compared to controls (n = 4) (see Additional file 1: Figure S11). b–e Comparison of subset composition between CD69+ and CD69− PF T cells. b A stacked bar plot showing the frequency of PF CD4, CD8, and γδ T cells as a percentage of the total CD69+ or CD69− T cells. c The frequency of Th1 cells, Th2 cells, and Treg cells as a percentage of total CD69+/− cells. d A stacked bar plot showing the frequencies of CM, Naïve, EM, and TEMRA as a percentage of the total CD69+ or CD69− CD8 T cells. e A stacked bar plot showing the frequencies of CM, Naïve, EM, and TEMRA as a percentage of the total CD69+ or CD69− CD4 T cells. f Differentially expressed markers (p < 0.05) in subsets between CD69+ and CD69− PF T cells shown by heat map for each sample. Samples were hierarchically clustered based on their marker expression patterns. g–j Comparison of CD56+ cells between CD69+ and CD69− T cells from PF and blood. g Frequencies of the expression of CD56 on CD69+ and CD69− T cells from PF (n = 20) and blood (n = 20) paired samples. h The expression of CD4, CD8, CD45RA, NKG2A, CD94, and GNLY in CD56+CD69+ T cells from PF and blood. i Comparison of CD56 expression on CD69+ and CD69− cells from T cells sorted from PF samples (n = 11). j The expression of CD4, CD8, CD45RA, CCR7, CD28, Perforin, CD107a, KI67, and Granzyme B in CD56+CD69+ and CD56+CD69− T cells. Means ± SEM are shown in plots

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