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Table 1 Data input summary

From: Health and economic burden of respiratory syncytial virus (RSV) disease and the cost-effectiveness of potential interventions against RSV among children under 5 years in 72 Gavi-eligible countries




Demographic data

Population projection in 2020 [13]

Under-1 and under-5 mortality, life expectancy [13], and stillbirth rate [14]

Uncertainty was not taken into account

RSV disease burden

Interpolate the age-specific data (per month) and scale it per country

• RSV incidence

• Hospitalisation

• Mortality among hospitalised patients (probability), then multiply adjustment factor 2.2 × 0.9 for overall death in both hospital and community settings

• Uncertainty around age-specific RSV incidence and hospital mortality; for details, refer to Additional file 1

• Uniform distribution is assumed for the overall death adjustment factor 2.2 (1.5–2.9) and influenza adjustment factor 0.9 (0.8–1)

Immunisation coverage

WHO BCG coverage 2016 as a proxy for both strategies

Uncertainty was not taken into account


70% (50–90%) [15]

Only for scenario analysis

Duration of protection

Maternal, 5 months (3–6 months) [15]

mAb, 6 months (4–8 months) [12]

Only for scenario analysis

Health care seeking probabilities

WHO reported children with suspected pneumonia taken to an appropriate health provider (%) (range, 13% in Somalia to 92.3% in Ukraine) as proxies for outpatient visits [16]

Uncertainty was not taken into account

Hospital length of stay

Country-specific data, or 5.8 days (95% CI 5.3–6.4) if data were unavailable [17]

Gamma distribution (alpha = 432.52, beta = 0.014)

Treatment cost for outpatient and hospitalisation

Country-specific data, with pneumonia costs as a proxy for outpatients and hospitalisations, or adjusted from the WHO-CHOICE data [18]

Gamma distribution (for details, refer to Additional file 1)

Intervention cost in USD (including delivery cost)

Maternal, $3 for one dose

mAb, $6 for one dose

Only for scenario analysis

Health outcome

Duration of illness, 11.2 days (10.1–12.3) [19]

DALYs of moderate ALRI, 0.053 (0.032–0.074) [20]

DALYs of severe ALRI, 0.21 (0.139–0.298) [20]

Gamma distribution

Duration of illness (α = 398.3, β = 0.014)

DALYs of moderate ALRI (α = 24.5, β = 0.002)

DALYs of severe ALRI (α = 26.8, β = 0.008)


3% for both costs and health outcomes

Not applicable