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Table 1 Description of the HELIX study participants (n = 1203)

From: In utero and childhood exposure to tobacco smoke and multi-layer molecular signatures in children


n (%) or mean (SD)


 BiB (UK)

176 (14.6)

 EDEN (France)

171 (14.2)

 INMA (Spain)

215 (17.9)

 KANC (Lithuania)

189 (15.7)

 MoBa (Norway)

255 (21.2)

 RHEA (Greece)

197 (16.4)

Child sex


547 (45.5)


656 (54.5)

Child age (years)

8.1 (1.6)

Child zBMI*

0.4 (1.2)

Child ancestry


1083 (90.1)

 Pakistani or Asian

93 (7.7)


27 (2.2)

Maternal age (years)

30.8 (4.8)

Maternal BMI categories

 < 18.5

46 (3.8)


691 (57.4)


295 (24.5)

 ≥ 30

171 (14.2)

Maternal education


162 (13.5)


421 (35.0)


620 (51.5)

Pregnancy: any maternal smoking in pregnancy


1027 (85.4)


176 (14.6)

Pregnancy: sustained maternal smoking in pregnancy


1027 (90.0)


114 (10.0)**

Childhood: global-SHS


777 (64.6)


426 (35.4)

Childhood: urinary cotinine

 Not detected (no)

993 (82.5)

 Detected (yes)

210 (17.5)

Number of omics datasets


834 (69.3)

 4 or 5

282 (23.4)

 2 or 3

25 (2.2)


62 (5.10)

  1. *Sex and age z-score calculated according to WHO reference curves
  2. **9.5% out of the 1203 children