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Table 1 Baseline characteristics of the study population (N = 398)

From: Association of the functional ovarian reserve with serum metabolomic profiling by nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy: a cross-sectional study of ~ 400 women

Age (years), mean, SD, range

35.5 (4.43) 22–45



 White European

365 (92%)


28 (7%)


5 (1%)

Highest education,N(%)


 School leaving exams

185 (46%)

 Undergraduate degree

139 (35%)

 Postgraduate degree

74 (19%)

BMI, mean, SD, range

24.7 (3.2) 18.2–32.5

Ever smoked,N(%)

104 (26%)

Alcohol (units per week), median, IQR, range

4 (1, 8) 0–27

Physical activity (times per week),N(%)



12 (3%)


29 (7%)


86 (22%)

 3–4 times

239 (60%)

 5–7 times

25 (6%)

 7+ times

7 (2%)

Family history of cardiometabolic disease,N(%)

208 (52%)

Gravidity, median, IQR, range

0 (0, 1) 0–12

Parity, median, IQR, range

0 (0, 0) 0–4

Duration infertility (years), median, IQR, range

3 (2, 4) 1–13

Primary infertility,N(%)

271 (68%)

Cause of infertility



203 (51%)

 Tubal disorder

44 (11%)


32 (8%)

 Ovulatory disorder

24 (6%)

 Male factor/no male partner

87 (22%)


8 (2%)

First IVF cycle (missing data,N = 3)

376 (95%)

AMH, median, IQR, range

16.1 (8.9, 28.0) 1–170.8

Total AFC, median, IQR, range

12 (7, 16) 0–40

  1. In cases where endometriosis and tubal disorders were both given as the cause of infertility (N < 5), half were randomly assigned to tubal disorders and half to endometriosis