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Fig. 1 | BMC Medicine

Fig. 1

From: Severe nausea and vomiting in pregnancy: psychiatric and cognitive problems and brain structure in children

Fig. 1

a A histogram showing the differences in cognitive measurements of 10,710 children between the children of mothers with prolonged nausea and vomiting in pregnancy (SNVP) and controls. The Y axis is the cognitive score (from the abcd_tbss) and the error bar is the SEM. All cognitive measurements except for flanker inhibitory control and attention (nihtbx_flanker), executive function (nihtbx_cardsort), language (nihtbx_picture), and pattern comparison processing speed (nihtbx_pattern) were significantly lower in the children with mothers with NVP during pregnancy (FDR corrected, p < 0.05). b, c Histograms showing the differences in psychiatric and emotional measures in the children of mothers with SNVP and controls. The Y axis is the psychiatric score. All psychiatric measurements were significantly lower in the group with exposure to SNVP during pregnancy (FDR corrected, p < 0.05). *FDR corrected p < 0.05. Note: nihtbx_picvocab: NIH Toolbox Picture Vocabulary Test Age 3+ v2.0 Uncorrected Standard Score; nihtbx_flanker: NIH Toolbox Flanker Inhibitory Control and Attention Test Ages 8-11 v2.0 Uncorrected Standard Score; nihtbx_list: NIH Toolbox List Sorting Working Memory Test Age 7+ v2.0 Uncorrected Standard Score; nihtbx_cardsort: NIH Toolbox Dimensional Change Card Sort Test Ages 8-11 v2.0 Uncorrected Standard Score; nihtbx_pattern: NIH Toolbox Pattern Comparison Processing Speed Test Age 7+ v2.0 Uncorrected Standard Score; nihtbx_picture: NIH Toolbox Picture Sequence Memory Test Age 8+ Form A v2.0 Uncorrected Standard Score; nihtbx_reading: NIH Toolbox Oral Reading Recognition Test Age 3+ v2.0 Uncorrected Standard Score; nihtbx_fluidcomp: Cognition Fluid Composite Uncorrected Standard Score; nihtbx_cryst: Crystallized Composite Uncorrected Standard Score; nihtbx_totalcomp: Cognition Total Composite Score Uncorrected Standard Score; cbcl_scr_syn_anxdep: Anxious/Depressed CBCL Syndrome Scale; cbcl_scr_syn_withdep: Withdrawn/Depressed CBCL Syndrome Scale; cbcl_scr_syn_somatic: Somatic Complaints CBCL Syndrome Scale; cbcl_scr_syn_social: Social Problems CBCL Syndrome Scale; cbcl_scr_syn_attention: Attention Problems CBCL Syndrome Scale; cbcl_scr_syn_rulebreak: Rule-Breaking Behavior CBCL Syndrome Scale; cbcl_scr_syn_aggressive: Aggressive Behavior CBCL Syndrome Scale; cbcl_scr_syn_internal: Internalizing Problems CBCL Syndrome Scale; cbcl_scr_syn_external: Externalizing Problems CBCL Syndrome Scale; cbcl_scr_dsm5_depress: Depressive Problems CBCL DSM5 Scale; cbcl_scr_dsm5_anxdisord: Anxiety Problems CBCL DSM5 Scale; cbcl_scr_dsm5_somaticpr: Somatic Problems CBCL DSM5 Scale; cbcl_scr_dsm5_adhd: ADHD CBCL DSM5 Scale; cbcl_scr_dsm5_opposit: Oppositional Defiant Problems CBCL DSM5 Scale; cbcl_scr_dsm5_conduct: Conduct Problems CBCL DSM5 Scale; cbcl_scr_07_sct: Sluggish Cognitive Tempo (SCT) CBCL Scale2007 Scale; cbcl_scr_07_ocd: Obsessive-Compulsive Problems (OCD) CBCL Scale2007 Scale; cbcl_scr_07_stress: Stress Problems CBCL Scale2007 Scale

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