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Table 3 Characteristics of trials that used an outcome measured with BMDs as a primary outcome (nā€‰=ā€‰75). Primary outcomes were those that were explicitly reported as such in the published article or in the entry in a public clinical trial registry or, if none was explicitly reported, the outcome(s) stated in the sample size estimation. All other outcomes were considered secondary outcomes

From: Use of wearable biometric monitoring devices to measure outcomes in randomized clinical trials: a methodological systematic review


Trials with at least one primary outcome measured with BMDs (nĀ =ā€‰35)

Trials with no primary outcome measured with BMDs (nĀ =ā€‰40)

Number (%) of trials reporting the validity, reliability and responsiveness of the sensor

8 (23)

12 (30)

Number (%) of trials reporting adequate methods to manage missing outcome data

19 (54)

30 (75)

Number (%) of trials reporting information on incomplete BMD outcome data

16 (46)

8 (20)