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Fig. 2 | BMC Medicine

Fig. 2

From: Oral rehydration therapies in Senegal, Mali, and Sierra Leone: a spatial analysis of changes over time and implications for policy

Fig. 2

Changes over time in oral rehydration therapies by district in Sierra Leone. a, b Percent of children that received any ORS (a) or only RHF (b) at four time points during the study: start of the study (2000); before national policy was implemented to abolish health costs for children, pregnant women, and new mothers (2009); 3 years after policy change (2013); and 2 years after the Ebola epidemic (2017). The western districts saw the greatest number of Ebola cases. Colored bands show the range of the mean estimates across northern districts in orange, southern and eastern districts in blue, and western urban (or Freetown) and western rural districts in brown. Note that in order to clearly illustrate trends in ORS and RHF, scales on the y-axis differ between panels a and b. In addition, in order to focus on changes within three distinct time periods, the x-axis is not to scale by year. c–e RHF replacement by district from 2000 to 2009 (c), 2000 to 2013 (d), and 2000 to 2017 (e). Districts with > 95% posterior probability that RHF was replaced by ORS are shown in green. Light green indicates RHF was replaced by the indicated date, and dark green indicates RHF had already been replaced by the previous date. Districts where our estimates had higher uncertainty (< 95% posterior probability that RHF was either replaced or not replaced) are shown in light purple. Panel e corresponds to the region within the dashed inset in panel d and illustrates that RHF was no longer replaced in Western districts by 2017

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