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Table 1 Characteristics of the study population

From: Implications of the ACC/AHA risk score for prediction of heart failure: the Rotterdam Study

Clinical features

Men (N = 2743)

Women (N = 3646)

P value*

Age, years

68.0 (7.78)

69.2 (8.58)

< 0.001

BMI, kg/m2

26.5 (3.27)

27.3 (4.39)

< 0.001

Systolic blood pressure, mmHg

142 (20.8)

143 (21.5)


Hear rate, bpm

69.4 (11.9)

71.7 (10.9)


Total cholesterol, mmol/l

5.54 (0.95)

6.01 (0.95)

< 0.001

HDL, mmol/l

1.24 (0.32)

1.50 (0.40)

< 0.001

Antihypertensive use, N (%)

856 (32.7)

1220 (35.3)

< 0.001

Lipid lowering medication, N (%)

364 (13.8)

420 (12.0)

< 0.001

Creatinine, mmol/l†

89.0 (18.2)

70.8 (13.5)

< 0.001

Glucose, mmol/l

6.09 (1.70)

5.87 (1.47)

< 0.001

LVH, N (%)

176 (7.30)

119 (3.80)


NT-proBNP, pmol/l†

8.19 (13.4)

10.8 (13.2)

< 0.001

Prevalent CHD, N (%)

370 (13.8)

118 (3.30)

< 0.001

Prevalent diabetes, N (%)

403 (14.7)

423 (11.6)


Smoking, N (%)


< 0.001


652 (25.3)

614 (17.2)



1604 (62.2)

1315 (36.8)



322 (12.5)

1648 (46.1)


  1. Data are mean (standard deviation (SD)) for continuous variables, †median (interquartile range (IQR)) for skewed variables, and number (percentage) for categorical variables from the original data
  2. Proportion of missing: Among men: SBP: 0.18%, heart rate: 0.55%, total cholesterol, BMI and glucose: each 0.9%, HDL: 1.7%, creatinine: 1.6%, NT-proBNP: 1.6%, antihypertensive use: 2%, smoking: 2.7%, LVH: 2.9%
  3. Among women: SBP: 0.86%, heart rate: 1.43%, total cholesterol, glucose: 1.6%, antihypertensive use: 1.8%, smoking: 1.9%, BMI: 2.1%, creatinine: 1.8%, NT-proBNP: 2%, HDL: 2.6%, LVH: 2.6%
  4. BMI body mass index, CHD coronary heart disease, HDL high-density lipoprotein, LVH left ventricular hypertrophy
  5. *P value for differences in characteristics between men and women