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Fig. 1 | BMC Medicine

Fig. 1

From: Salivary metabolites associated with a 5-year tooth loss identified in a population-based setting

Fig. 1

Heatmap of saliva metabolites significantly associated with at least 1 of the traits under investigation. Coloring reflects the direction and size of point estimates from linear regression models. Bordered fields mark combinations with FDR corrected p values <0.05. PPD, pocket probing depth; PPD 3+mm% and 4+mm%, percentages of sites with PPD ≥3 mm and ≥4 mm; cumPPD4+, cumulative PPD from pockets with PPD ≥4 mm; CAL, clinical attachment level; CAL 3+mm% and 4+mm%, percentages of sites with CAL ≥3 mm and ≥4 mm; MT, missing teeth; DF-S and DF-S%, number and percentage of decayed or filled surfaces

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