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Table 6 League table of the network estimates and corresponding risk of bias due to missing evidence for the network of 18 antidepressants

From: ROB-MEN: a tool to assess risk of bias due to missing evidence in network meta-analysis

  1. The values in the lower triangle represent the relative treatment effect (odds ratios and 95% credible intervals) of the treatment on the top (column) versus the treatment on the row. Colours indicate the ROB-MEN levels: green = low risk; yellow: some concerns; red = high risk. Names in the upper triangle indicate the treatment favoured by the bias in the high risk estimates (red cells). Risk of bias assessments were obtained using the Shiny app. Ago, agomelatine; Ami, amitriptyline; Bup, bupropion; Cit, citalopram; Clo, clomipramine; Dul, duloxetine; Esc, escitalopram; Fluo, fluoxetine; Fluvo, fluvoxamine; Mil, milnacipran; Mir, mirtazapine; Nef, nefazodone; Par, paroxetine; Reb, reboxetine; Ser, sertraline; Tra, trazodone; Ven, venlafaxine; Vor, vortioxetine