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Table 1 Characteristics of 1020 adolescents aged 11–17 living in the SLaM catchment area presenting to the 4 local EDs with self-harm between March 2009 and March 2013

From: Autism spectrum disorders as a risk factor for adolescent self-harm: a retrospective cohort study of 113,286 young people in the UK


Self-harm presentations (n, %)

Male (n=186)

Female (n=834)

Mean age at first self-harm presentation (SD)

15.9 (1.9)

15.6 (1.4)

Known to MH services prior to self-harm

83 (44.6)

407 (48.8)



88 (47.3)

357 (42.8)


28 (15.0)

212 (25.4)


12 (6.5)

47 (5.7)


16 (8.6)

102 (12.2)


12 (6.5)

29 (3.5)

 Not disclosed/unknown

30 (16.1)

87 (10.4)

National neighbourhood deprivation

 Most deprived quintile

63 (33.9)

320 (38.4)


79 (42.5)

330 (39.5)


32 (17.2)

120 (14.4)


<10 (<5.4)

44 (5.3)

 Least deprived quintile

<10 (<5.4)

20 (2.4)

Type of self-harm

 Self-poisoning or overdose

95 (51.1)

617 (74.0)

 Self-injury (cutting, stabbing, self-battery)

74 (39.8)

171 (20.5)

 Both self-poisoning and self-injury

<10 (<5.4)

29 (3.5)

 Other (hanging, jumping from a height, immersion in water)

14 (7.5)

17 (2.0)

ICD-10 Axis 1b(pre- or post-first self-harm)

No. and prevalence of disorders (%)a

 Substance misuse disorders (F10–19)

10 (5.4)

13 (1.5)

 Depressive disorder (F32)

53 (28.5)

277 (33.2)

 Psychotic disorders (F20–29,31,32·3, F33·3)

<10 (<5.4)

<10 (<1.2)

 Anxiety disorder (F40–42, F43–F48)

42 (22.5)

186 (22.3)

 Eating disorder

<10 (<5.4)

17 (2.0)

 Autism spectrum disorders (F84)

18 (9.7)

21 (2.5)

 Hyperkinetic disorder (F90)

19 (10.2)

15 (1.7)

 Child-onset emotional and behavioural disorders (F91-F98)

33 (17.7)

127 (15.2)

 No diagnosis

41 (22.0)

249 (29.9)


<10 (<5.4)

21 (2.5)

Axis 3 intellectual disability

<10 (<5.4)

<10 (<1.2)

  1. aMultiple morbidities could be counted for each individual
  2. bAxis I: Clinical syndromes (psychiatric disorders including personality disorders and somatic diseases)