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Fig. 3 | BMC Medicine

Fig. 3

From: Recovery of serum testosterone levels is an accurate predictor of survival from COVID-19 in male patients

Fig. 3

Recovery of serum testosterone levels and blood lymphocyte counts predict survival in male COVID-19 patients. A Longitudinal determinations (≥ 3 samples per patient collected on separate dates) of clinical biochemistry parameters were performed, and trajectories for individual patients (grey lines) and average values (red lines) plotted. A given time-point corresponds to a cluster of days post-admission (± 3 days). Linear regression was applied to average trajectories and the resulting slopes compared for significance between outcome groups by means of two-way ANOVA. B ROC curves and AUC values for longitudinal trajectories (linear regression slopes) of serum testosterone, blood lymphocyte counts (number per mL and % of white blood cells), and blood neutrophils as predictors of survival in comparisons of all surviving vs. deceased patients (left two panels) or surviving patients with severe disease vs. deceased patients (right two panels). Longitudinal analyses for additional clinical biochemistry parameters are shown in Additional file 1: Figure SF4. C Correlations of age with testosterone trajectory slopes in all patients with longitudinal analyses (leftmost panel) and in different outcome groups

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