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Fig. 6 | BMC Medicine

Fig. 6

From: A blood-based miRNA signature for early non-invasive diagnosis of preeclampsia

Fig. 6

Performance evaluation of the miR2PE-score as a non-invasive biomarker in independent whole blood samples. A summary of the samples used to validate the performance of the miR2PE-score, and a boxplot showing expression levels of two miRNA biomarkers in WMU cohort 3 (A) and WMU cohort 4 (B). Horizontal lines: median values. The statistical analysis was performed using the Mann–Whitney U test. The confusion matrix shows the number of samples that are correctly identified in WMU cohort 3 (C) and WMU cohort 4 (E). Heatmap of the expression pattern of two miRNA biomarkers with the corresponding miR2PE-score and predict label and true label in WMU cohort 3 (D) and WMU cohort 4 (F) and the ROC for the performance of the miR2PE-score in WMU cohort 3 (D) and WMU cohort 4 (F). TPR, true positive rate; TNR, true negative rate; PPV, positive predictive value; NPV, negative predictive value; ACC, overall accuracy

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