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Table 3 Clinical outcomes of 61,437 internal medicine inpatients aged 18 years or older and fasting for more than 10 days in Japan, January 2011 to September 2020

From: Clinical impact of lipid injectable emulsion in internal medicine inpatients exclusively receiving parenteral nutrition: a propensity score matching analysis from a Japanese medical claims database


Before PSM

After PSM

OR/regression coefficiente (95%CI)

Non-ILE group (n = 41,819)

ILE group (n = 19,618)

Non-ILE group (n = 19,602)

ILE group (n = 19,602)




Primary endpoint

  In-hospital mortality

11,712 (28.0)

3976 (20.3)

5272 (26.9)

3972 (20.3)

< 0.001c

0.69 (0.66 to 0.72)

0.71 (0.68 to 0.75)

Secondary endpoint

  IV catheter infection

378 (0.9)

213 (1.1)

178 (0.9)

213 (1.1)


1.20 (0.98 to 1.46)

1.05 (0.85 to 1.29)

  Deteriorated ADLa

3054 (12.0)

1458 (10.8)

1541 (12.5)

1456 (10.8)

< 0.001c

0.85 (0.79 to 0.92)

0.88 (0.81 to 0.95)

  LOSb, mean (SD), days

44.2 (39.1)

42.3 (34.0)

43.1 (36.1)

42.3 (34.0)


− 0.8 (− 1.6 to 0.0)

− 1.8 (− 2.6 to − 1.0)


2227 (7.4)

1132 (7.2)

1073 (7.5)

1132 (7.2)


0.96 (0.88 to 1.05)

0.95 (0.87 to 1.04)

  Total medical cost, mean (SD), US$

21,084 (23,729)

21,019 (18,486)

21,402 (24,981)

21,009 (18,439)


− 393 (− 822 to 48)

− 860 (− 1252 to − 47)

  1. Data presented as numbers of patients (percentages), unless otherwise indicated
  2. Abbreviations: ADL, activity of daily living; CI, confidence interval; ILE, lipid injectable emulsion (soybean oil-based); IV, intravenous; LOS, length of stay; OR, odds ratio; PSM, propensity score matching
  3. aDenominator was patients discharged alive who had Barthel Index data at both admission and discharge (before PSM, 25,501 in the non-ILE group and 13,445 in the ILE group; after PSM, 12,311 in the non-ILE group and 13,434 in the ILE group)
  4. bDenominator was patients discharged alive (before PSM, 30,107 in the non-ILE group and 15,642 in the ILE group; after PSM, 14,340 in the non-ILE group and 15,641 in the ILE group)
  5. cBased on the chi-square test
  6. dBased on the Student t-test
  7. eBased on multiple regression analysis or multivariate logistic regression analysis
  8. fAdjusted by adding the mean daily energy dose prescribed for days 4 to 10 to variables (day 1 regarded as the day fasting started)