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Fig. 4 | BMC Medicine

Fig. 4

From: Clinical improvement of DM1 patients reflected by reversal of disease-induced gene expression in blood

Fig. 4

Gene expression association with compound response scores. For each gene, a mixed effect model was fitted with before/after CBT and compound response scores as fixed effects, while accounting for (random) effects of the individual. Compound response scores were fitted for gene expression values after CBT and set to be zero at baseline; the effect size of this covariate therefore expresses changes in gene expression compared to the baseline values that are associated with clinical response. The p-values for the fixed effects were estimated via Satterthwaite’s freedom method and FDR corrected. A Volcano plot of significance (−log10 of the nominal p-value) and the effect size of the compound response score on gene expression. Genes for which the effect size of compound response is significant (FDR < 0.05) are visualized in black. B For the four genes with the lowest nominal p-values from panel A, the changes in gene expression (delta logCPM after-before CBT) are plotted against the compound response scores, including Pearson correlations

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