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Fig. 5 | BMC Medicine

Fig. 5

From: Nitazoxanide inhibits acetylated KLF5-induced bone metastasis by modulating KLF5 function in prostate cancer

Fig. 5

Nitazoxanide reverses the effects of Ac-KLF5 on the expression of many genes in PC-3 cells. a Volcano plots of all quantified genes from the gene expression profiles between the KLF5K369Q and KLF5K369R in PC-3 cells. b Scatter plot of differentially expressed genes (DEGs) between PC-3-KQ cells with and without NTZ treatment and DEGs between PC-3-KQ and PC-3-KR cells. Dots in the upper left quadrant represent genes that were downregulated by KLF5K369Q but upregulated by NTZ, whereas dots in the lower right quadrant indicate genes that were upregulated by KLF5K369Q but downregulated by NTZ in PC-3 cells. An adjusted p value <0.05 was used to define all altered genes. c Heatmap showing DEGs in panel A’s upper left and lower right quadrants. The color bar at the right indicates log2 fold changes (Log2FC)

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