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Table 1 Baseline characteristics of veterans with schizophrenia aged 50 years or older (n = 49,173).

From: Mortality and guideline-concordant care for older patients with schizophrenia: a retrospective longitudinal study



Age, years1

59.6 ± 9.2 (56.0) (50 to 102)


3.82 ± 2.2 (3.0) (1 to 16)


1.00 ± 1.5 (1.0) (0 to 16)

Ethnicity, n (%)



32,245 (68.6)


14,117 (30.0)


4,591 (9.3)


658 (1.4)

   Missing data


Marital status, n (%)


   Single (never married)

19,250 (39.8)


13,333 (27.5)


13,863 (28.6)


1,960 (4.0)

   Missing data


   Priority 1 status

26,187 (53.3)

Antipsychotic adherence, n (%)



13,086 (26.6)


27,349 (55.6)


8,738 (17.8)

Medical/physical disorders, n (%)



2,935 (6.0)


1,148 (2.3)


3,169 (6.4)


5,279 (10.7)

   Congestive heart failure

1,595 (3.2)


7,482 (15.2)

   Diabetes mellitus (per SCI)

11,423 (23.2)


2,786 (5.7)


21,062 (42.8)


14,147 (28.8)

   Cardiac arrhythmias

1,940 (3.9)

   Lower back pain

5,872 (11.9)

   Myocardial infarction

1,147 (2.3)

   Nicotine dependence

11,429 (23.2)


5,920 (12.0)

   Peripheral vascular disease

1,399 (2.8)

   Chronic renal disease

1,344 (2.7)


1,422 (2.9)

   Urinary tract infection

1,484 (3.0)

   Mental health disorders


   Alcohol abuse or dependence

6,448 (13.1)


4,221 (8.6)

   Bipolar disorder

5,998 (12.2)


10,488 (21.3)


6,075 (12.4)

  1. Abbreviations: CCS, Charlson Comorbidity Score; COPD, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease; SCI, Selim Comorbidity Index; PTSD, post-traumatic stress disorder.
  2. 1Data are mean ± SD (median) (range).