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Table 1 Basic characteristics of eligible systematic reviews and trials

From: Influence of lack of blinding on the estimation of medication-related harms: a retrospective cohort study of randomized controlled trials

Basic characteristics


Region of corresponding author (review level)

N = 151


9 (5.96%)

 Americas (North and South)

32 (21.19%)


68 (45.03%)


40 (26.49%)


2 (1.32%)

Number of trials included (review level)

16 (IQR: 10 to 26)

 1 to 9 (minimum was 5)

36 (23.84%)

 10 to 29

83 (54.30%)

 30 or more (maximum was 195)

33 (21.85%)

Effect estimates (review level)

 Odds ratio (including Peto odds ratio)

47 (31.13%)

 Risk ratio

96 (63.58%)

 Risk difference

3 (1.99%)

 Others (e.g., HR, IRR, or above combinations)

5 (3.31%)

Protocol (review level)


43 (28.48%)


108 (71.52%)

Registration (study level)

N = 10,069


7483 (74.32%)


2408 (23.91%)


178 (1.77%)

Center (study level)

 Multiple centers

7891 (78.37%)

 Single center

350 (3.48%)


1828 (18.15%)

Funding (study level)


8440 (83.82%)

 Industry and academic

108 (1.07%)


737 (7.32%)

 No funding

3 (0.03%)


781 (7.76)

Publication type of study (study level)


9848 (97.81%)


18 (0.18%)

 Registration only (unpublished)

198 (1.97%)

 Non-RCT (further removed)

5 (0.05%)

Accessible of full-text (study level)

N = 9,848


9598 (97.46%)


250 (2.54%)

  1. HR hazard ratio, IRR incidence risk ratio, RCT randomized controlled trial