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Table 2 The HR (95% CI) of the associations between air pollution (per 10 μg/m3 increase) and CVD with and without adjustment for lifestyle

From: The role of lifestyle in the association between long-term ambient air pollution exposure and cardiovascular disease: a national cohort study in China


Unadjusted for lifestyle

Adjusted for lifestylea


1.09 (1.05–1.14)

1.08 (1.04–1.13)


1.04 (1.00–1.08)

1.04 (1.00–1.07)


1.05 (1.03–1.08)

1.05 (1.03–1.07)


1.11 (1.05–1.18)

1.10 (1.04–1.16)


1.04 (0.95–1.14)

1.03 (0.94–1.13)

  1. CI Confidence interval, CVD Cardiovascular disease, HR Hazard ratio, NO2 Nitrogen dioxide, O3 Ozone, PM1 Particulate matter with an aerodynamic diameter less than 1 μm, PM2.5 Particulate matter with an aerodynamic diameter less than 2.5 μm, PM10 Particulate matter with an aerodynamic diameter < 10 μm
  2. aModel adjusted for age, sex, education, residence, alcohol consumption, and income