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Table 1 Clinical characteristics of ACLF patients with different outcomes at 90 daysa

From: Thrombospondin 1 enhances systemic inflammation and disease severity in acute-on-chronic liver failure



n = 55


n = 47

Age (yrs.)

44.7 ± 11.0

46.6 ± 12.6

Male (No.)

87.3% (48)

85.1% (40)

HBV-DNA level (IU/ml)

 2 × 102–2 × 104

27.3% (15)

25.6% (12)

 2 × 104–2 × 106

52.7% (29)

36.2% (17)

 > 2 × 106

20.0% (11)

38.3% (18)

Laboratory data

 Alanine aminotransferase (U/L)

232.0 [90.0, 550.0]

368.0 [104.0, 874.0]

 Aspartate aminotransferase (U/L)

140.0 [90.50, 194.0]

146.0 [105.0, 438.0]

 Albumin (g/dL)

31.4 ± 4.1

30.6 ± 5.0

 Total bilirubin (µmol/l)

329.7 ± 107.9

416.2 ± 130.9***

 Alkaline phosphatase (U/L)

131.0 [95.0, 162.0]

139.0 [120.0, 173.0]

 γ-Glutamyl transpeptidase (U/L)

77.50 [59.0, 118.4]

81.0 [52.0, 125.0]

 Creatinine (μmol/L)

66.0 [54.5, 72.0]

69.0 [59.5, 100.5]*

 Sodium (mmol/L)

137.0 [135.0, 139.0]

137.0 [134.5, 139.0]

 White blood cell count (109/L)

7.3 [5.9, 9.3]

8.3 [6.6, 11.8]

 Hemoglobin (g/L)

125.3 ± 18.0

124.5 ± 22.5

 Hematocrit (%)

35.6 ± 5.4

35.5 ± 6.1

 Platelet count

132.0 [85.0, 163.5]

104.0 [70.5, 129.5]*


1.9 [1.7, 2.2]

2.50 [2.3, 3.3]***

 Alpha fetoprotein

179.8 [66.9, 266.8]

66.3 [29.3, 140.4]

Organ failure (No.)


96.4% (53)

97.9% (46)


18.2% (10)

55.3% (26)***


1.8% (1)

12.8% (6)


1.8% (1)

6.4% (3)







ACLF grade




80.0% (44)

36.2% (17)


20.0% (11)

55.3% (26)



8.5% (4)

Severity score


6.7 [6.4, 7.3]

7.6 [7.3, 8.1]***


5.6 [5.3, 6.1]

6.7 [6.2, 7.0]***


39.0 ± 5.6

44.5 ± 6.2***


22.1 ± 4.0

28.6 ± 7.1***


23.6 [20.1, 26.1]

29.0 [25.1, 32.7]***


9.0 [9.0, 10.0]

10.0 [9.0, 11.0]

  1. Data are expressed as the mean ± standard deviation (SD), median (p25, p75) or percentage (number of patients)
  2. ACLF-S ACLF survival group, ACLF-D ACLF deceased group, COSSH-ACLF IIs COSSH-ACLF II score, COSSH-ACLFs COSSH-ACLF score, CLIF-C ACLFs CLIF Consortium ACLF score, MELDs Model for end-stage liver disease score, MELD-Nas MELD-sodium score, CTP Child-Turcotte-Pugh, THBS1 Thrombospondin 1
  3. *P < 0.05, **P < 0.01 and ***P < 0.001 for comparisons between the groups
  4. aTwelve patients with ACLF underwent liver transplantation and were considered lost to follow-up in the mortality rate calculation. Six patients with ACLF were lost to the 28-day follow-up analysis, and 16 patients were lost to the 90-day follow-up analysis
  5. bThe number of ACLF patients were derived from both the sequencing and RT-qPCR groups