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Fig. 1 | BMC Medicine

Fig. 1

From: Quantifying where human acquisition of antibiotic resistance occurs: a mathematical modelling study

Fig. 1

Model diagram of the community and hospital populations. Our compartmental model subdivides a human population into those in the community (CX) and those in the hospital (HX). People move between the hospital and the community (at rates α and l) and between further subpopulations depending on the ARB they carry and where they were acquired (X: S = susceptible, Rc = ARB acquired in the community, Rh = ARB acquired in the hospital). ARB acquisition is dependent on setting-specific transmission rates (βc, βh), antibiotic exposure levels (ωc, ωh) and population sizes (Nc, Nh) in the community or hospital respectively. ARB clearance occurs at a rate c

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