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Table 1 Prevalence of detectable C-peptide by age at onset and duration (years)

From: Persistent C-peptide secretion in Type 1 diabetes and its relationship to the genetic architecture of diabetes

Age at onset

0 to 15

15 to 25

25 to 35




0 to 5

76% 13/17

96% 178/186

94% 161/172

92% 262/285

5 to 10

62% 79/128

67% 110/165

78% 107/138

74% 188/253

10 to 15

25% 60/237

55% 89/163

52% 103/197

57% 129/225

15 or more

19% 317/1643

26% 259/996

36% 253/705

42% 174/418


23% 469/2025

42% 636/1510

51% 624/1212

64% 753/1181