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Table 4 Solutions to PEARLES challenges encountered

From: Addressing challenges for clinical research responses to emerging epidemics and pandemics: a scoping review

Political and economic solutions identified

Challenges encountered

Strengthen global collaborations and coalitions

  -Ensure global political awareness of infectious disease threats.

  -Strengthen collaborations between international organisations, national leaders, public, private and local stakeholders.

  -WHO to set out overarching research governance framework for research in outbreaks.

  -Integrate research in international outbreak response.

  -Ensure interventions are supported by all stakeholders, including national and local stakeholders.

  -Close collaboration between local and international researchers from research inception, tied to capacity building and be genuinely collaborative.

  -Research led by national teams.

  -Invest in national public health research institutes globally, targeting epidemic-prone regions.


  -Ineffective global coordination and collaboration.

  -Research not integrated into national outbreak response.

  -Establishing outbreak as international concern may depend on the ability of LMICs to raise international interest.

  -Lack of compliance with WHO core capacities to detect, assess, report and respond.

  -Need for political approval.

  -Political unrest.

  -Research priorities dictated by funding bodies.

  -Lack of communication and engagement between stakeholders.


  -Establish dedicated funding sources in inter-epidemic times.

  -Establish international agreements on financial mechanisms for rapid release of funding and for addressing clinical trial liability coverage.

  -National governments to strengthen investments in preparedness and response.

  -Coordinate funding to ensure it is rapid and sufficient by using international coalitions and economies of scale.

  -Ensure sufficient, specific and flexible funding for research staff to avoid healthcare opportunity costs.

  -Explore industry funding to complement public funding.

  -Provide appropriate compensation for participation in research.


  -Insufficient funding resources.

  -Delays in identifying funding.

  -Weak funding mechanism and implementation for research in emergencies and neglected and tropical disease.

  -Funding not mobilisable at sufficient pace.

  -Limited national health budgets dedicated to research response efforts.

  -Opportunity costs and competing interests.

  -Over-reliance on unpaid staff doing research in addition to normal duties, with risk to care, staff and research.

Health systems and infrastructure

  -Strengthen health systems and research capacity.

  -Strengthen supporting infrastructure, targeting regions vulnerable to epidemics.

  -Expand critical care resources.

  -Develop clinical research facilities in predicted ‘hot spot’ regions.

Health systems and infrastructure

  -Limited healthcare systems.

  -Limited supporting infrastructure, electricity and water supply and technical resources.

  -Lack of national health research institutes.

  -Competing interests of resources.

Administrative, regulatory and logistic solutions identified

Challenges encountered

Human resources and research capacity

  -Ensure capacity to respond to outbreaks across departments, particularly in predictable epidemic-prone regions.

  -Ensure sufficient support for ethics review boards.

  -Identify and utilise existing skills and talents, re-deploy existing research staff.

  -Fund dedicated study teams to avoid additional burden on other staff.

  -Ensure adequate, sustained research training for staff, particularly during stable periods.

  -Establish clinical research networks that are incentivised and prepared to respond to outbreaks and politically supported.

  -Form research response teams, with dedicated research coordinators.

  -Recruit additional staff from outside of the epidemic area to reduce strain.

  -Set up mobile research teams to reach large areas.

  -Improve staff perception of research as a core role of healthcare professionals.

Human resources and research capacity

  -Limited number of staff.

  -Risk of already scarce staff becoming overwhelmed and additional burden of research activities across services.

  -Training of staff in research not seen as a priority.

  -Lack of research coordinators.

  -Increased workload from study protocol risk negatively affecting patient care.

  -Difficulties in deploying staff internationally sufficiently rapidly in the context of an outbreak.


  -Establish direct stakeholder communication channels.

  -Develop harmonised, coordinated communication activities with shared oversight structures and joint management.

  -Establish detailed communication and dissemination plans and templates.

  -Provide continuous updates on research activity to stakeholders as appropriate through a variety of channels.

  -Set up ‘pandemic champions’ to establish links with sites, to facilitate coordination and to raise awareness.


  -Data stored in countries other than that affected, disempowers the national team.

  -LMICs unable to access trial results after the study is completed.

  -Challenges for LMICs to gain international interest from study results.

  -Challenging to control the interpretation of research output by the media and political leaders.


  -Establish a normative framework for research and development.

  -Create frameworks and governance charts for clear decision-making procedures, standard operational procedures and administrative infrastructures.

  -Prioritise research questions, pre-design study protocols and training materials in advance, ready to be deployed.


  -Lengthy process of planning, formalising and gaining approval of study protocol.

  -Lack of integrated standards for data collection and infrastructure for data sharing.

  -Delays in obtaining inter-institutional data sharing agreements.

  -Time lag for distant reference lab results.

  -No apparent benefit to those affected to share data.

  -Delayed data sharing due to academic competition culture.

Data and sample sharing

  -International agencies (e.g. WHO) to establish international data sharing frameworks.

  -Refinement of international agreements, such as the Declaration of Helsinki to include instructions on how to handle benefit sharing for sponsor and host countries.

  -Develop templates and platforms for data and sample sharing.

  -Enhance the value of research output dissemination to all stakeholders through long-term collaboration and health system improvements.

  -Funding approvals to incorporate agreement on data dissemination.

  -Establish data sharing ahead of emergencies.

  -Develop a mechanism to manage intellectual property and data governance.

  -Establish standard to reduce uncredited secondary analysis to facilitate data sharing.

  -Ensure global sharing of data with fair distribution.

  -Enhance the value of the research to each beneficiary through fair dissemination of knowledge, product development, long-term research collaboration, and/or health system improvements.

Data and sample sharing

  -Data collection and sharing on paper records sometimes not possible due to infection control and confidentiality issues.

  -Loss of control and ownership of data following dissemination.

  -Data not made available during outbreaks and long delays in publishing data after outbreaks.

  -Issues around maintaining participant confidentiality when sharing data.

  -Lack of control of communication.

  -Confidentiality requirements imposed by commercial entities.

Publication standards

  -Agree open data sharing and publication standards.

  -A shift in paradigm to a common goal of data sharing rather than publication.

  -Ensure pre-prints of novel data are available prior to publication.

  -Develop and use an ‘emergency research pledge’ by journals.

  -Ensure researchers, including local collaborators, are credited for their work.

Traditional publication process

  -Traditional journal review processes are too slow to inform emergency outbreak response strategies.

  -Publication authorship imbalances.

Pathways for regulatory and ethics approvals

  -Establish accelerated regulatory pathways and expedited ethical review processes for emergencies.

  -Establish institutional review boards in epidemic ‘hot spot’ regions.

  -Enable single portals for applications.

  -Establish joint ethics review committees.

  -Enable parallel submission of ethical, financial and scientific approvals.

  -Develop pre-approved study protocols with agreed acceptable study design modifications.

  -Develop pre-approved site agreements, between multiple sites and organisations, in geographically strategic regions.

  -Consideration of the management of bio-samples should be part of the ethical and protocol review.

Pathways for regulatory and ethics approvals

-Delays caused by existing ethical frameworks.

  -Complex ethic committee forms and inconsistencies between forms.

  -Variation in REB responses to the same study.

  -Lack of framework to fast-track vaccine trials or drug testing.

  -Existing frameworks not fit for emergency research.

  -Lengthy time taken to gain research approvals during epidemics and pandemics.

  -Requirement of approval from multiple entities (including political) and variations between countries.

  -Reluctance from national officials to approve trials.

Drug and vaccine licencing and access

  -Form Joint Scientific Advisory and Data Safety Review Committees for all studies linked to a specific intervention or group of interventions.

  -Global regulatory agencies should collaborate to ensure accelerated licensure strategy.

  -Contracts with multiple manufacturing and distribution units to improve resilience in the supply of medicines to participating trial site.

  -Primary role of authorising use of investigational vaccines and drugs should be given to the affected countries.

Drug and vaccine licencing and access

  -Length of time for drugs and vaccines to be approved.

  -Lack of framework to fast-track vaccine trials and drug testing.

Research support systems

  -Provide sufficient funds for the renovation of study facilities and provide supportive infrastructure.

  -Strengthen satellite and wireless internet access in epidemic-prone regions.

  -Use existing infrastructure, e.g. from other disease programmes.

  -Set up logistical support platforms.

  -Ensure flexible solutions that can be readily adaptable depending on the context.

Research support systems

  -Rudimentary and overwhelmed healthcare facilities.

  -Technical resource limitations.

  -Limited access to freezer storage facilities.

  -Difficulty reaching remote field sites.

  -Lack of effective personal protective equipment

  -Poor safety for staff and participants.

Ethical and social solutions identified

Challenges encountered


  -Develop standards for the conduct of research in emergencies, including frameworks for the inclusion of vulnerable groups and appropriate study designs.

  -Ensure equitable access to best available evidence-based care for all patients, regardless of consent to participate.

  -Ensure appropriate compensation for participation in research.


  -Lack of uniform standards for research ethics committees.

  -Lack of international consensus about research groups’ obligations to provide trial participants health benefits.

  -Non-transparent ethical approval processes.

  -Exclusion of pregnant women and children from trials.

  -Expedited review might pose a risk to patients.

  -Research perceived as the only way to access care/treatment.

  -Lack of agreement on appropriate study designs for emergencies.

Consent methods

  -Evaluate alternative consent methods proposed during emergencies.

  -Ensure consent methods are culturally appropriate.

Consent methods

  -Obtaining complex informed consent, from severely ill patients and from relatives.

  -Verbal proxy consent contested at later date.

Community engagement

  -Invest in community engagement from inception.

  -Explore outbreak and community context, and use the findings to inform the study design, set-up, delivery and dissemination.

  -Ensure protocol and consent forms are consistent with community values and internationally accepted ethical principles.

  -Build trust through understanding and respect of different cultures.

  -Ensure study design meets cultural needs.

  -Manage expectations of all stakeholders.

  -Facilitate community empowerment.

  -Provide outreach community information sessions.

  -Establish community advisory boards.

  -Use social messaging and informational materials to improve the knowledge and perception of the study and disease and to address rumours.

  -Ensure effective consultation and communication with affected or at-risk communities, for example, through community liaison teams.

  -Involve social scientists and medical anthropologists to help understand the concerns and needs of the community.

  -Translate social science research into practice.

  -Facilitate relationships between groups with cultural differences.

Community engagement

  -Mistrust, suspicion and rumours around clinical trials, national and international response, sometimes due to local media and other sources.

  -Poor understanding of how to address rumours.

  -Fear of the disease.

  -Cultural perceptions of tissue and blood sampling.

  -Poor understanding of how to respect different cultures.

  -Lack of community engagement and poor perception of power dynamics.

  -Perception of research being unfair.