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Fig. 4 | BMC Medicine

Fig. 4

From: Immediate and durable effects of maternal tobacco consumption alter placental DNA methylation in enhancer and imprinted gene-containing regions

Fig. 4

Volcano plots showing the percent change in DNA methylation of each of the 1023 CpGs included in the 203 DMRs (a, b, c) and of each CpG not significantly associated with smoking status (d, e, f) as a function of the nominal p value (uncorrected p value of the EWAS) of each CpG. Three differential analyses are shown : smokers versus non-smokers (a and d), smokers versus former smokers (b and e) and former smokers versus non-smokers (c and f). Results were adjusted for child sex, parity, education level, season of conception, study center, maternal body mass index before pregnancy, maternal age at delivery, gestational duration, paternal smoking status at conception, batch, plate and chip, and estimated cellular heterogeneity

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