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Table 7 Comparison of level of informed choice between study arms

From: The impact of hypothetical PErsonalised Risk Information on informed choice and intention to undergo Colorectal Cancer screening colonoscopy in Scotland (PERICCS)—a randomised controlled trial


Numerical risk arm (1 in 40)

Categorical risk arm(highest risk)

Positive result letter arm

Fully informed choice*

46/85 (56.5%)

54/81 (65.4%)

51/80 (63.8%)

Partly informed choice**

38/85 (44.7%)

28/81 (34.6%)

28/80 (35.0%)

Completely uninformed choice***

0/85 (0.0%)

0/81 (0.0%)

1/80 (1.3%)

  1. *Adequate knowledge + positive attitude + decision to undergo colonoscopy OR adequate knowledge + negative attitude + decision not to undergo colonoscopy
  2. **Adequate knowledge + negative attitude + decision to undergo colonoscopy OR inadequate knowledge + positive attitude + decision to undergo colonoscopy
  3. ***Inadequate knowledge + negative attitude + decision to undergo colonoscopy OR *** inadequate knowledge + positive attitude + decision not to undergo colonoscopy