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Table 1 Estimates of national, multinational and global costs of antibiotic resistance. Costs were inflated using local GDP deflators and converted to 2018 international dollars (I$) using purchasing power parities, both from data published by the World Bank and OECD

From: Quantifying the economic cost of antibiotic resistance and the impact of related interventions: rapid methodological review, conceptual framework and recommendations for future studies




Costs in original currency

Costs in 2018 I$

Costs considered

Studies in the grey literature

 ECDC and EMEA [6]

EU, Iceland, Norway

S. aureus, Enterococcus spp., S. pneumoniae, E. coli, Klebsiella spp., P. aeruginosa

1.5 bn/year EUR (2007)

2.1 bn/year

Increased treatment costs, reduced productivity and labour supply due to morbidity and premature mortality

 KPMG [19]

EU, Iceland, Norway


E. coli, K. pneumoniae, S. aureus, HIV, TB, malaria

1.6 bn/year EUR (2012)

1.66–6.08% of global GDP in 2050

2.3 bn/year

Increased treatment costs, reduced productivity and labour supply due to morbidity and premature mortality

 RAND Europe [20]


E. coli, K. pneumoniae, S. aureus, HIV, TB, malaria

0.5–6.0 tn USD (2011) per year in 40 years (0.14–1.9% of global GDP)

0.6–6.8 tn per year in 40 years

Reduced labour supply and productivity due to increased morbidity, mortality and caregiving

Reduced inter-sectoral transactions and trade

 World Bank [7]



1.0–3.4 tn USD (2017) per year in 2030 (1.1–3.8% of global GDP)

1.0–3.5 tn I$ per year in 2030

Reduced labour supply due to premature mortality

Studies in the rapid review of published literature

 Chen et al. [45]


S. pneumoniae

15.8 m/year USD (2017)

16.2 m/year

Increased treatment costs and productivity losses due to morbidity and premature mortality

 Chesson et al. [46]


N. gonorrhoeae

378 m/year USD (2016)

395 m/year

Increased treatment costs

 de Kraker et al. [32]

31 European countries

Bloodstream infections caused by MRSA and G3CREC

62 m/year EUR (2007)

87 m/year

Increased length of hospital stay

 Elbasha [47]



0.4–19 bn/year USD (1996)

0.6–29 bn/year

“Deadweight loss”: reduced antibiotic effectiveness leading to poorer treatment outcomes due to overprescribing antibiotics

 Johnston et al. [48]

United States

Multi-drug resistant organism

2.39–3.38 bn/year USD (2017)

2.45–3.46 bn/year

Increased treatment costs

 Lee et al. [49]


Community-associated MRSA

Healthcare: 478 m/year USD (2011)

Society: 2.2 bn/year USD (2011)

Healthcare: 539 m/year

Society: 2.5 bn/year

Increased treatment costs and productivity loss due to morbidity and premature mortality

 Michaelidis et al. [50]



4.4 bn/year USD (2013)

4.8 bn/year

Cost of antibiotic use and stewardship

 Naylor et al. [29]


E. coli

Third-generation cephalosporin: 366,600/year GBP (2012) Piperacillin/tazobactam: 275,4000/year GBP (2012)

Third-generation cephalosporin: 578,000/year

Piperacillin/tazobactam: 434,000

Increased treatment costs

 Phelps [37]



0.15–3 bn/year USD (1984)

0.3–6.3 bn/year

Treatment costs, mortality

 Phodha et al. [51]


Nosocomial infections due to five bacterial species

Healthcare: 2.3 bn/year USD (2012)

Society: 4.2 bn/year USD (2012)

Healthcare: 2.5 bn/year

Society: 4.6 bn/year

Increased treatment costs

Increased societal costs (components not reported)

 Shrestha et al. [52]

USA and Thailand


USA: 2.9 bn/year USD (2016)

Thailand: 0.5 bn/year USD (2016)

USA: 3.0 bn/year

Thailand:0.5 bn/year

Increased treatment costs and productivity loss due to morbidity and premature mortality

 Smith et al. [39]



0.4–1.6% of national GDP, equivalent to 3–11 bn GBP (1995)

6.5–24.0 bn

Reduced labour supply and productivity, leading to less capital investment and lowered productivity

 Thorpe et al. [53]



2.2 bn/year USD (2016)

2.3 bn/year I$

Increased treatment costs due to morbidity

 Tillekeratne et al. [54]

Sri Lanka


229 m/year USD (2017)

235 m/year

Not specified – costs extrapolated from US and Thai studies

 Touat et al. [55]


Gram-negative bacteria

287 m/year EUR (2015)

397 m/year

Increased treatment costs

 US Congress, Office of Technology Assessment [56]


Nosocomial infections due to six bacterial species

1.3 bn/year USD (1992)

2.1 bn/year

Hospital treatment costs

 Zhen et al. [57]


Intra-abdominal bacterial infections

Healthcare: 37 bn/year CNY (2015)

Society: 111 bn/year CNY (2015)

Healthcare: 12 bn/year

Society: 35 bn/year

Increased treatment costs, 3x multiplier for societal costs

  1. bn billion, CNY Chinese Yen, ECDC European Centre for Disease Prevention and Control, EMEA European Medicines Agency, G3CREC third-generation cephalosporin-resistant E. coli, MRSA methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus, TB tuberculosis, tn trillion, USD US Dollar