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Fig. 2 | BMC Medicine

Fig. 2

From: Optimal SARS-CoV-2 vaccine allocation using real-time attack-rate estimates in Rhode Island and Massachusetts

Fig. 2

We assume that vaccine efficacy wanes over time following a Hill-like function characterized by an efficacy half-life and slope (Equation 1). The half-life (as shown with different line styles) denotes on which day after vaccination the efficacy drops below the 50% mark. The slope (shown with different line colors) denotes how fast the vaccine loses its efficacy; for example, considering the solid lines in this figure (half-life = 180), efficacy of the orange vaccine (slope = 2) reduces from 70 to 50% in 64 days while that of the red vaccine (slope = 4) does so in 36 days. Here, we choose 7 vaccine profiles whose 60-day and/or 90-day efficacies are at least 90% to represent the currently approved vaccines from Pfizer/BioNTech and Moderna

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