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Table 1 Descriptive statistics of the full sample and the within-pair sample I. Data presented for the dizygotic (DZ) and monozygotic (MZ) twins includes those individuals who were available for the within-pair analysis. Values are mean (standard deviation, SD) unless otherwise indicated

From: Frailty and the risk of dementia: is the association explained by shared environmental and genetic factors?


Full sample

Within-pair sample I

N = 41,550

DZ twin individuals

N = 22,062

MZ twin individuals

N = 8110

Age at baseline

58.0 (10.1)

56.7 (9.1)

56.6 (9.1)

Age range at baseline




Women, N (%)

22,193 (53.4)

11,621 (52.7)

4606 (56.8)


25.0 (3.5)

25.0 (3.5)

24.9 (3.5)

Tobacco user, N (%)

24,491 (58.9)

13,282 (60.2)

4549 (56.1)

Years of education

10.6 (3.2)

10.7 (3.2)

11.0 (3.2)

§Physical activity, median (IQR)

 Born before 1926

1 (1)

1 (1)

1 (1)

 Born after 1926

3 (2)

3 (2)

3 (2)

Living alone, N (%)

9005 (21.7)

4395 (19.9)

1558 (19.2)

FI, median (IQR)

0.108 (0.108)

0.102 (0.108)

0.102 (0.108)

Categorized FI

 Non-frail, N (%)

15,464 (37.2)

8557 (38.8)

3133 (38.6)

 Pre-frail, N (%)

22,354 (53.8)

11,757 (53.3)

4298 (53.0)

 Frail, N (%)

3732 (9.0)

1748 (7.9)

679 (8.4)

Dementia diagnosis during follow-up, N (%)

3183 (7.7)

1364 (6.2)

494 (6.1)

Time to diagnosis, median (IQR)

16.0 (2.4)

16.1 (2.3)

16.1 (2.2)

Died during follow-up, N (%)

9932 (23.9)

2012 (9.1)

756 (9.3)

  1. Note. Participants who used tobacco products include current smokers, ex-smokers, and snuff users at baseline
  2. §Physical activity was assessed using a different questionnaire for those born before 1926 vs after 1926
  3. Abbreviations: BMI body mass index, DZ dizygotic, FI frailty index, IQR interquartile range, MZ monozygotic, N number