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Table 2 Baseline comorbidities, lifestyle factors and lab tests among SGLT2i initiators with DKD, in the total study population and stratified by insurance type and CV risk

From: Predictors of cardio-kidney complications and treatment failure in patients with chronic kidney disease and type 2 diabetes treated with SGLT2 inhibitors


SGLT2i initiators with DKD (N = 6389)

Commercial insurance (N = 2284)

Medicare insurance (N = 4105)

Low CV risk (N = 2797)

Moderate CV risk (N = 3237)

High CV risk (N = 355)



DSCI score

 Mean (SD)

2.5 (2.0)

1.6 (1.7)

2.9 (2.0)

1.7 (1.5)

3.0 (2.1)

4.5 (2.0)

 Median [IQR]

2 [1, 4]

1 [0, 2]

3 [1, 4]

1 [0, 3]

3 [1, 4]

4 [3, 6]

Charlson-Quan score


 Mean (SD)

1.6 (1.8)

1.5 (1.7)

1.6 (1.9)

1.7 (1.8)

1.4 (1.8)

2.5 (2.1)

 Median [IQR]

1 [0, 2]

1 [0, 2]

1 [0, 2]

1 [0, 3]

1 [0, 2]

2 [1, 3]

Acidosis, n (%)

89 (1.4%)

21 (0.9%)

68 (1.7%)

25 (0.9%)

34 (1.1%)

30 (8.5%)

ACS, n (%)

352 (5.5%)

73 (3.2%)

279 (6.8%)

37 (1.3%)

196 (6.1%)

119 (33.5%)

Angina pectoris, n (%)

1671 (26.2%)

397 (17.4%)

1274 (31.0%)

462 (16.5%)

955 (29.5%)

254 (71.5%)

Atherosclerotic gangrene, n (%)

9 (0.1%)

2 (0.1%)

7 (0.2%)

0 (0.0%)

1 (0.0%)

8 (2.3%)

Atrial fibrillation, n (%)

87 (1.4%)

19 (0.8%)

68 (1.7%)

24 (0.9%)

22 (0.7%)

41 (11.5%)

CABG or PTCA, n (%)

146 (2.3%)

45 (2.0%)

101 (2.5%)

10 (0.4%)

43 (1.3%)

93 (26.2%)

Cancer excluding NMSC, n (%)

488 (7.6%)

128 (5.6%)

360 (8.8%)

213 (7.6%)

243 (7.5%)

32 (9.0%)

COPD, n (%)

1271 (19.9%)

306 (13.4%)

965 (23.5%)

423 (15.1%)

709 (21.9%)

139 (39.2%)

Coronary artery disease, n (%)

1437 (22.5%)

308 (13.5%)

1129 (27.5%)

296 (10.6%)

895 (27.6%)

246 (69.3%)

Depression, n (%)

955 (14.9%)

237 (10.4%)

718 (17.5%)

302 (10.8%)

565 (17.5%)

88 (24.8%)

Diabetic foot infection, n (%)

304 (4.8%)

98 (4.3%)

206 (5.0%)

81 (2.9%)

160 (4.9%)

63 (17.7%)

Diabetic retinopathy, n (%)

1107 (17.3%)

317 (13.9%)

790 (19.2%)

432 (15.4%)

601 (18.6%)

74 (20.8%)

Edema, n (%)

833 (13.0%)

218 (9.5%)

615 (15.0%)

277 (9.9%)

446 (13.8%)

110 (31.0%)

Fatigue/sleep disorder, n (%)

1571 (24.6%)

479 (21.0%)

1092 (26.6%)

572 (20.5%)

823 (25.4%)

176 (49.6%)

GERD, n (%)

1308 (20.5%)

345 (15.1%)

963 (23.5%)

465 (16.6%)

705 (21.8%)

138 (38.9%)

Heart failure, n (%)

620 (9.7%)

106 (4.6%)

514 (12.5%)

142 (5.1%)

345 (10.7%)

133 (37.5%)

Hyperkalemia, n (%)

348 (5.4%)

98 (4.3%)

250 (6.1%)

116 (4.1%)

172 (5.3%)

60 (16.9%)

Hyperlipidemia, n (%)

5615 (87.9%)

2020 (88.4%)

3595 (87.6%)

2398 (85.7%)

2881 (89.0%)

336 (94.6%)

Hypertension, n (%)

5897 (92.3%)

2060 (90.2%)

3837 (93.5%)

2506 (89.6%)

3040 (93.9%)

351 (98.9%)

Hypoglycemia, n (%)

129 (2.0%)

31 (1.4%)

98 (2.4%)

31 (1.1%)

69 (2.1%)

29 (8.2%)

Hypokalemia, n (%)

193 (3.0%)

65 (2.8%)

128 (3.1%)

46 (1.6%)

108 (3.3%)

39 (11.0%)

Hyponatremia, n (%)

146 (2.3%)

25 (1.1%)

121 (2.9%)

32 (1.1%)

63 (1.9%)

51 (14.4%)

Hypotension, n (%)

180 (2.8%)

49 (2.1%)

131 (3.2%)

45 (1.6%)

78 (2.4%)

57 (16.1%)

Infectious disease, n (%)

1673 (26.2%)

465 (20.4%)

1208 (29.4%)

546 (19.5%)

969 (29.9%)

158 (44.5%)

Intestinal enteropathy, n (%)

744 (11.6%)

197 (8.6%)

547 (13.3%)

242 (8.7%)

402 (12.4%)

100 (28.2%)

Liver disease, n (%)

508 (8.0%)

185 (8.1%)

323 (7.9%)

182 (6.5%)

283 (8.7%)

43 (12.1%)

MC disease, n (%)

3467 (54.3%)

955 (41.8%)

2512 (61.2%)

1306 (46.7%)

1922 (59.4%)

239 (67.3%)

Obesity, n (%)

2759 (43.2%)

1006 (44.0%)

1753 (42.7%)

980 (35.0%)

1567 (48.4%)

212 (59.7%)

Osteoarthritis, n (%)

1483 (23.2%)

359 (15.7%)

1124 (27.4%)

592 (21.2%)

758 (23.4%)

133 (37.5%)

Pain disorders, n (%)

4487 (70.2%)

1413 (61.9%)

3074 (74.9%)

1772 (63.4%)

2385 (73.7%)

330 (93.0%)

PAD, n (%)

1244 (19.5%)

171 (7.5%)

1073 (26.1%)

0 (0.0%)

3031 (93.6%)

301 (84.8%)

PVD, n (%)

1382 (21.6%)

219 (9.6%)

1163 (28.3%)

168 (6.0%)

1046 (32.3%)

168 (47.3%)

Prevalent anemia, n (%)

1371 (21.5%)

348 (15.2%)

1023 (24.9%)

494 (17.7%)

695 (21.5%)

182 (51.3%)

Prior cardiac procedure, n (%)

3318 (51.9%)

992 (43.4%)

2326 (56.7%)

1164 (41.6%)

1819 (56.2%)

335 (94.4%)

Proteinuria, n (%)

962 (15.1%)

410 (18.0%)

552 (13.4%)

362 (12.9%)

542 (16.7%)

58 (16.3%)

Pyelonephritis, n (%)

32 (0.5%)

10 (0.4%)

22 (0.5%)

8 (0.3%)

19 (0.6%)

5 (1.4%)

Resistant hypertension, n (%)

1229 (19.2%)

319 (14.0%)

910 (22.2%)

451 (16.1%)

663 (20.5%)

115 (32.4%)

Respiratory failure, n (%)

151 (2.4%)

32 (1.4%)

119 (2.9%)

27 (1.0%)

56 (1.7%)

68 (19.2%)

Sleep apnea, n (%)

1135 (17.8%)

428 (18.7%)

707 (17.2%)

431 (15.4%)

599 (18.5%)

105 (29.6%)

TIA, n (%)

142 (2.2%)

39 (1.7%)

103 (2.5%)

26 (0.9%)

80 (2.5%)

36 (10.1%)

Lifestyle factors


Alcohol abuse, n (%)

74 (1.2%)

18 (0.8%)

56 (1.4%)

21 (0.8%)

42 (1.3%)

11 (3.1%)

Influenza vaccination, n (%)

1897 (29.7%)

948 (41.5%)

949 (23.1%)

823 (29.4%)

970 (30.0%)

104 (29.3%)

Smoking or nicotine dependence, n (%)

465 (7.3%)

172 (7.5%)

293 (7.1%)

161 (5.8%)

250 (7.7%)

54 (15.2%)

Smoking cessation, n (%)

274 (4.3%)

96 (4.2%)

178 (4.3%)

124 (4.4%)

132 (4.1%)

18 (5.1%)

Laboratory value


HbA1c level

 Mean (SD)

9.2 (3.9)

9.2 (2.9)

9.2 (4.4)

8.9 (3.6)

9.4 (4.3)

9.1 (3.0)

 Median [IQR]

8.4 [7.5, 9.8]

8.5 [7.5, 10.1]

8.4 [7.5, 9.8]

8.3 [7.4, 9.6]

8.6 [7.6, 10.1]

8.5 [7.4, 9.9]

 Missing, n (%)

516 (8.1%)

178 (7.8%)

338 (8.2%)

236 (8.4%)

244 (7.5%)

36 (10.1%)

eGFR stage*


 G1, n (%)

754 (11.8%)

519 (22.7%)

235 (5.7%)

365 (13.0%)

360 (11.1%)

29 (8.2%)

 G2, n (%)

1178 (18.4%)

468 (20.5%)

710 (17.3%)

511 (18.3%)

602 (18.6%)

65 (18.3%)

 G3a, n (%)

2025 (31.7%)

590 (25.8%)

1435 (35.0%)

994 (35.5%)

903 (27.9%)

128 (36.1%)

 G3b, n (%)

670 (10.5%)

118 (5.2%)

552 (13.4%)

275 (9.8%)

343 (10.6%)

52 (14.6%)

 G4, n (%)

71 (1.1%)

9 (0.4%)

62 (1.5%)

26 (0.9%)

35 (1.1%)

10 (2.8%)

 G5, n (%)

7 (0.1%)

4 (0.2%)

3 (0.1%)

2 (0.1%)

5 (0.2%)

0 (0.0%)

 Missing, n (%)

1684 (26.4%)

576 (25.2%)

1108 (27.0%)

624 (22.3%)

989 (30.6%)

71 (20.0%)

UACR stage*


 A1, n (%)

794 (12.4%)

267 (11.7%)

527 (12.8%)

374 (13.4%)

384 (11.9%)

36 (10.1%)

 A2, n (%)

2771 (43.4%)

1152 (50.4%)

1619 (39.4%)

1107 (39.6%)

1544 (47.7%)

120 (33.8%)

 A3, n (%)

916 (14.3%)

323 (14.1%)

593 (14.4%)

350 (12.5%)

512 (15.8%)

54 (15.2%)

 Missing, n (%)

1908 (29.9%)

542 (23.7%)

1366 (33.3%)

966 (34.5%)

797 (24.6%)

145 (40.8%)

Elevated hematocrit, n (%)

179 (2.8%)

76 (3.3%)

103 (2.5%)

72 (2.6%)

99 (3.1%)

8 (2.3%)

Rate of eGFR decline per year of follow-up


 For cardio-kidney events


 Mean (SD)

8.7 (13.6)

7.6 (10.9)

9.4 (15.1)

7.2 (11.9)

9.9 (15.2)

12.4 (13.1)

 Median [IQR]

4.5 [2.1, 9.4]

4.4 [2.1, 9.0]

4.7 [2.1, 10.1]

4.2 [1.9, 7.8]

4.9 [2.6, 11.2]

6.7 [1.7, 18.3]

 Missing, n (%)

5761 (90.2%)

2026 (88.7%)

3735 (91.0%)

2477 (88.6%)

2959 (91.4%)

325 (91.5%)

 For treatment failure


 Mean (SD)

4.4 (6.8)

4.8 (6.3)

4.1 (7.2)

 Median [IQR]

2.6 [1.3, 5.0]

2.8 [1.5, 5.2]

2.5 [1.2, 4.8]

 Missing, n (%)

5337 (83.5%)

1865 (81.7%)

3472 (84.6%)

  1. Abbreviations: ACS acute coronary syndrome, CABG coronary artery bypass grafting, DKD diabetic kidney disease, COPD chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, CV cardiovascular, DSCI diabetes severity and complications index, GERD gastroesophageal reflux disease, IQR interquartile range, MC microvascular complications, NMSC nonmelanoma skin cancer, PAD peripheral artery disease, PTCA percutaneous transluminal coronary angioplasty, PVD peripheral vascular disease, SD standard deviation, SGLT2i sodium-glucose co-transporter-2 inhibitor, T2D type 2 diabetes, TIA transient ischemic attack