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Table 3 Guidance on data collection and analysis by workstream

From: WHO-led consensus statement on vaccine delivery costing: process, methods, and findings


Perspectives included in guidance documents

Data Sources recommended in guidance documents

Data Collection guidance provided

Sampling guidance provided

How is uncertainty characterized?

Source Documents

Retrospective routine immunization cross-sectional costing

Provider, Payer, or Societal

Health facility records; interviews with national and sub-national program managers

Strategies for data collection provided

Representative sampling of health facilities (stratified, random)

Characterized based on number of sites in sample, stratification of units, and basis of probability of selection; one-way sensitivity testing or scenario analysis

[6, 11, 12]

Retrospective single-vaccine costing

Provider payer, or Societal

Interviews with national and sub-national program managers; not described for costing tools

Some advice but not available for costing tools

Representative sampling of health facilities or campaign sites; not specified for costing tools

Characterized based on number of sites in sample, stratification of units, and basis of probability of selection; costing tools are not specific but suggest use of scenarios

[12, 14, 15]

Projection of new vaccine introduction costs

Provider, payer, or Societal

Not described in guidance documents

Provided for some tools but not others

Not specified

Costing tools are not specific but suggest use of scenarios

[11, 13,14,15, 17]

Projection of Immunization program costs


Interviews with national and sub-national program managers; visits to selected health facilities sometimes

Provides data collection guidance

Can collect data at the sub-national as well as national levels

Conduct scenario analysis to have a range of estimates
