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Fig. 2 | BMC Medicine

Fig. 2

From: The compensatory reserve index predicts recurrent shock in patients with severe dengue

Fig. 2

Pearson’s correlation coefficient between compensatory reserve index (CRI) and heart rate (HR), systolic blood pressure (SBP) or diastolic blood pressure (DBP). The three panels describe partial Pearson’s correlation coefficients between CRI and heart rate (HR) (A), systolic blood pressure (SBP) (B) and diastolic blood pressure (DBP) (C) for all 63 cases included in the analysis. Solid black lines represent the estimated partial Pearson’s correlation coefficients between CRI values and the corresponding hemodynamic parameter at intervals from onset of the first shock episode, after adjusting for age, gender, and body weight. To perform these calculations, data within the first 8 h since the first shock were grouped every 30 min (for HR) or 1 h (for SBP and DBP). Vertical lines are corresponding 95% confidence intervals of the estimated partial Pearson’s correlation coefficient; repeated data was accounted for using bootstrap sampling. Number below each vertical line represents number of hemodynamic parameter measurements in each group (HR in A, SBP in B, and DBP in C). Correlations based on small numbers of observations (< 30) are unreliable and therefore they were excluded in these figures (> 9.25 h for HR, > 6.5 h for SBP and DBP)

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