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Table 1 Characteristics of the included SRs or MAs of observational and interventional studies

From: Homelessness and health-related outcomes: an umbrella review of observational studies and randomized controlled trials

Author, year (type of study)

Type of studies included

Health outcome examined

Exposures/active treatment

Control group

No. of studies included in the MA or SR (No. of studies included in the present UR)


Homelessness adopted definition


Tweed et al., 2021 (MA) [215]

Cross-sectional, case-control, cohort studies, and baseline data from interventional studies

Mortality, morbidity, health-related quality of life, self-rated health

Homelessness, imprisonment, substance use (other than alcohol, cannabis, or performance-enhancing drugs), sex working, SMI

Absence of homelessness, imprisonment, substance use, sex working, or SMI

237 (5)

People experiencing homelessness, imprisonment, substance use, sex working, or SMI

People who are rough sleeping or unstably/marginally housed

Critically low

Arum et al., 2021 (MA) [216]

Cross-sectional, case-control, cohort studies

HIV and HCV diagnosis

Homelessness, unstable housing

Absence of homelessness or unstable housing

37 (24)

People who use injective drugs

Lacking access to adequate housing, according to the Institute of Global Homelessness

Critically low

Suh et al., 2020 (MA) [217]

Cross-sectional, cohort studies

Geriatric syndrome outcomes


Absence of homelessness

5 (4)

People experiencing homelessness

People lacking a fixed, regular, and adequate nighttime residence, including those utilizing temporary shelters, being homeless, living in an abandoned building or vehicle, or any other unstable or nonpermanent situation, according to the US Department of Health and Human Services

Critically low

Al-Shakarchi et al., 2020 (MA) [218]

Case-control, cohort studies

Cardiovascular disease


Absence of homelessness

17 (9)

People experiencing homelessness

Not provided

Critically low

van Draanen et al., 2020 (SR) [219]

Cross-sectional, case-control, cohort studies

Opioid-related fatal and non-fatal overdose

Any measure of socioeconomic marginalization

Different levels of socio-economic marginalization

37 (4)

People who use opioids in North America, Europe, the United Kingdom, Australia, and New Zealand

Not provided

Critically low

Lin et al., 2019 (MA) [220]

Cross-sectional, cohort studies

Antiretroviral therapy adherence

Homelessness, sex working, or drug use

Absence of homelessness, sex working, or drug use

29 (4)

People with HIV infection

Not provided

Critically low

Aldridge et al., 2017 (MA)

SRs, MAs, cross-sectional, cohort studies

Mortality, morbidity

Homelessness, imprisonment, sex working, substance use disorder

Absence of homelessness, imprisonment, sex working, or substance use disorder

337 (3)

People experiencing homelessness, imprisonment, substance use, or sex working

Not provided

Critically low

Bassuk et al., 2015 (MA) [222]

Cross-sectional, case-control, cohort studies

Mental health disorders, behavioral disorders


Absence of homelessness

7 (7)

Children/adolescents experiencing homelessness aged less than 18 years, enrolled in the United States and accompanied by a parent

The literal definition of homelessness includes emergency shelter, transitional housing, residing in places not meant for human habitation, fleeing domestic violence, or not having an identified residence

Critically low

Aidala et al. 2016 (SR) [223]

Cross-sectional, case-control, cohort studies, RCT

HIV health care access and utilization, adherence to antiretroviral treatments, HIV clinical health outcomes, other health outcomes, emergency department, and inpatient use, HIV risk behaviors

Homelessness, unstable housing

Absence of homelessness or unstable housing

152 (19)

People with HIV infection who live in high-income countries

Not provided

Critically low

Hyun et al., 2020 (MA) [224]

RCT, cluster RCT

Depression, anxiety, mental health status, PTSD symptoms, psychological distress, self-efficacy, quality of life

Psychosocial interventions

Control condition

11 (6)

People experiencing homelessness

Living situation of rooflessness without a shelter of any kind and houselessness with a temporary institution or shelter to sleep, according to the European typology on homelessness and housing exclusion


  1. MA meta-analysis, PTSD post-traumatic stress disorder, RCT randomized controlled trial, SMI severe mental illness, SR systematic review, UR umbrella review