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Table 1 Demographic and clinical information of the study sample

From: Depression and fatigue in active IBD from a microbiome perspective—a Bayesian approach to faecal metagenomics

Demographic and clinical information


Age, years, mean (SD)

40 (16)

Sex, n (female/male)


Diagnosis (CD/UC)


HBI in patients with CD, median (range)

9.4 (6.8)

Partial Mayo Score in patients with UC, mean (SD)

5.6 (2.5)

CRP in mg/l, mean (SD)

21.2 (24.8)

Faecal calprotectin in μg/g, mean (SD) (n = 53)

365 (282)

Fatigue (WEIMuS) score, mean (SD)

31.5 (14.7)

 WEIMuS ≥ 32P., n (%)

31 (50%)

Depression (HADS-D) Score, mean (SD)

6.5 (4.5)

 HADS-D ≥ 10P., n (%)

18 (29%)

Current antidepressant use

4 (6%)

Current steroid use, n (%)

21 (34%)

Current immunomodulatory therapy, n (%)

13 (21%)

 Of which biological therapy, n


 Of which TNF-alpha inhibitors, n


 Of which vedolizumab, n


 Of which ustekinumab, n


Refractory disease course (> 3 prior systemic therapies), n (%)

22 (35%)

Prior bowel resection, n (%)

24 (38%)

Prior biological therapy, n (%)

31 (50%)

  1. CD Crohn’s disease, CRP C-reactive protein, HBI Harvey-Bradshaw Index, HADS Hospital Anxiety and Depression Scale, SD standard deviation, UC ulcerative colitis, WEIMuS Wurzburg Fatigue Inventory Multiple Sclerosis