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Table 1 Organization and function of each section of the Tabby2 user interface

From: Tabby2: a user-friendly web tool for forecasting state-level TB outcomes in the United States


The Introduction page describes the purpose and abilities of Tabby2 and includes citations for previous work that used the model Tabby2 is based on as well details about the funding for Tabby2.


 Pre-defined scenarios

The Predefined scenarios page provides a description of the five predefined scenarios in Tabby2.

 Build custom scenarios

The Build custom scenarios page enables Tabby2 users to create custom targeted testing and treatment, care cascade changes, or combination scenarios for simulation with Tabby2.

Modeled outcomes


On each of the Estimates, Time trends, and Age groups pages, model outcomes are visualized and available as downloads in formats including as an image in a PNG, PDF, or PPTX file, or as a data table formatted as a CSV or XLSX file.

 Time trends

 Age groups

 Counts of services

Model informed estimates of health services are visualized as time trends and available as downloads in formats including as an image in a PNG, PDF, or PPTX file, or as a data table formatted as a CSV or XLSX file.

 Comparison to recent data

The Comparison to recent data page allows Tabby2 users to compare Tabby2 model estimates to historically observed data.

Economic analyses

 Cost introduction

The Cost introduction page provides information on the economic analysis of the health interventions, default cost values, and the concepts of cost-effectiveness analysis.

 Input costs

The Input costs page is a table of estimated average unit costs in 2020 USD. Each of these values is editable prior to submitting a costing calculation.

 Cost and outcomes

On each of the Cost and outcomes and Cost-effectiveness pages, summarized cost and health benefits in tabular format for a specified time range.


Further description

The Further description page of Tabby2 gives a more comprehensive description of the features of Tabby2, definitions and abbreviations used, and frequently asked questions. This page is designed to serve as a guide for new users to learn how to engage with the tool.


The Changelog page provides the history of how Tabby2 has been updated and improved since its original release.


The Feedback page provides users the opportunity to directly submit questions and comments to the developers of Tabby2.