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Fig. 6 | BMC Medicine

Fig. 6

From: Neurodevelopmental risk and adaptation as a model for comorbidity among internalizing and externalizing disorders: genomics and cell-specific expression enriched morphometric study

Fig. 6

Associations between CBCL score and surface area of regions with significant alterations in patient groups. The color bar represents the t value of the regression coefficient from LMM. The asterisks (*) indicate p < 0.05, FDR correction (FDR q = 0.05). Abbreviations: AnxDep, anxious/depressed; WithDep, withdrawn/depressed; Somatic, somatic complaints; Social, social problems; Attention, attention problems; Rulebreak, rule-breaking behavior; Aggressive, aggressive behavior; Depress, depressive problems; Anx, anxiety disorders; Somaticpro, somatic problems; ADHD, attention deficit/hyperactivity problems; Opposit, oppositional defiant problems; Conduct, conduct problems; SCT, sluggish cognitive tempo; OCD, obsessive–compulsive problems; Stress, stress problems; inftemrh, right inferior temporal gyrus; suptemrh, right superior temporal gyrus; inpalh, left inferior parietal gyrus; miteplh, left middle temporal gyrus; pacenlh, left paracentral lobule; parsorblh, left pars orbitalis; parstrlh, left pars triangularis; postcenlh, left postcentral gyrus; precenllh, left precentral gyrus; precunlh, left precuneus; rosmifrolh, left rostral middle frontal gyrus; supfrolh, left superior frontal gyrus; suptemlh, left superior temporal gyrus; supmarlh, left supramarginal; tempolh, left temporal pole; insulalh, left insula; cauantcirh, right caudal anterior cingulate; fusiforh, right fusiform; infparh, right inferior parietal gyrus; meorfrorh, right medial orbito frontal gyrus; midtemrh, right middle temporal gyrus; paracenrh, right paracentral lobule; parorbrh, right pars orbitalis; parstrh, right pars triangularis; postcenrh, right postcentral gyrus; precunrh, right precuneus; supfrorh, right superior frontal gyrus; supramrh, right supramarginal; insularh, right insula

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