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Table 2 Absolute incidence rates and incidence rate differences (attributable risks) of anxiety and depression in people with and without eczema/psoriasis. Uncertainty intervals are the 2.5th and 97.5th percentiles from 5000 bootstrap samples

From: Common mental health disorders in adults with inflammatory skin conditions: nationwide population-based matched cohort studies in the UK


Rate (exposed)a

Rate (unexposed)ab

Rate differencea



1274.8 (1262.7–1286.8)

1033.1 (1015.5–1051.1)

241.6 (226.5–256.7)


1946.4 (1930.5–1962.4)

1489.5 (1467.2–1512.3)

456.9 (437.2–476.4)



1468.8 (1460.7–1476.8)

1196.5 (1183.8–1209.2)

272.3 (261.6–283.3)


2095.7 (2085.3–2105.3)

1751.3 (1735.6–1766.9)

344.5 (330.3–357.8)

  1. aRate per 100,000 person-years
  2. bUnexposed rate estimated as the rate (exposed) multiplied by the inverse hazard ratio from the confounder-adjusted model, because the unexposed cohort is not representative of the general population due to the matching in the study design