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Table 1 Summary of evidence grading for meta-analysis of risk factors associated with HPV infection and pre-invasive and invasive cervical cancer outcomes — cohort studies onlya

From: Risk factors for human papillomavirus infection, cervical intraepithelial neoplasia and cervical cancer: an umbrella review and follow-up Mendelian randomisation studies


HPV-related outcomes

CIN and cervical cancer-related outcomes

Increased risk

Increased risk


HIV: positive vs negative (HR-HPV incidence)

IBD on immunosuppression vs healthy controls (CC incidence); VMB: dysbiosis vs no (progression to dysplasia and CIN)

Highly suggestive

HIV: positive with CD4 > 200 vs negative (HPV incidence) HIV: positive vs negative (HPV clearance)b

HIV: positive vs negative (CC incidence)


HIV: positive vs negative (HPV incidence); HIV: positive vs negative (HR-HPV persistence) VMB: LL vs HL (HPV incidence); VMB: dysbiosis vs no (HPV incidence); Chlamydia tr: yes vs no (HPV incidence); smoking: yes vs no (HPV incidence)

HIV positive: on ART vs not on ART (CIN regression); HIV: positive vs negative (CIN persistence); bacterial vaginosis: yes vs no (CIN prevalence)


Smoking: yes vs no (HPV incidence); VMB: dysbiosis vs no (HPV persistence); bacterial vaginosis: yes vs no (HPV incidence); Chlamydia tr: yes vs no (HR HPV incidence); pregnant: yes vs no (HPV incidence); HIV: positive vs negative (HPV incidence, HR HPV incidence, HPV 16 incidence, HPV 18 incidence); HIV: positive with CD4 < / = 200 vs negative (HPV incidence); HIV: positive with CD4 > 200 vs negative (HR-HPV incidence); HIV: positive vs negative (prevalent and newly detected HR-HPV, HPV 16, HPV 18, HPV-any type persistence); HIV: positive vs negative (HPV 16 persistence); HIV + ve: CD4 < 200 vs CD4 > 500 (HPV persistence); HIV + ve: CD4 200–500 vs CD4 > 500 (HPV persistence)

COCP: < 5 years of use vs never (ICC incidence); COCP: 5–9 years of use vs never (ICC incidence); COCP: > 10 years of use vs never (ICC incidence); smoking: current smoker vs never (CC incidence); smoking: previous smoker vs never (CC incidence); environmental tobacco smoke exposure: increased vs lower (CC incidence); HIV: positive vs negative (CIN incidence, CIN persistence); HIV positive: on ART vs not on ART (CIN incidenceb, CIN progressionb, ICC incidenceb); transplant recipient: yes vs no (CC incidence); rheumatoid arthritis: yes vs no (CC incidence); BMI: highest vs lowest levels (CC mortality); Chlamydia tr: yes vs no (CC incidence); co-infection of Chlamydia tr and HPV: yes vs no (CC incidence)

  1. Abbreviations: ART Antiretroviral treatment, BMI Body mass index, BV Bacterial vaginosis, CC Cervical cancer, Chlamydia tr Chlamydia trachomatis, CIN Cervical intraepithelial disease, COCP Combined oral contraceptive pill, HIV Human immunoinsufficiency virus, HL High in lactobacillus, HPV Human papillomavirus, HR-HPV High-risk HPV, IBD Inflammatory bowel disease, ICC Invasive cervical cancer, LL Low in lactobacillus, VMB Vaginal microbiome
  2. aOnly meta-analyses meeting at least a weak grade of evidence listed
  3. bDecreased risk