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Table 5 Comparison between E-TAU arm and CMAP plus E-TAU arm on the CSQ-8 at 3-month FU

From: A culturally adapted manual-assisted problem-solving intervention (CMAP) for adults with a history of self-harm: a multi-centre randomised controlled trial

Client Satisfaction Questionnaire CSQ-8



Odds ratio a (95% CI)


Q1. How would you rate the quality of service you received?


8 (1.8)

2 (0.5)


 < .001


94 (21.1)

38 (8.9)

(2.01, 3.98)



244 (54.7)

203 (47.8)



100 (22.4)

182 (42.8)


Q2. Did you get the kind of service you wanted?

 No, definitely not

25 (5.6)

2 (0.5)


 < .001

 No, not really

31 (7.0)

6 (1.4)

(2.364, 5.66)


 Yes, generally

224 (50.2)

148 (34.8)


 Yes, definitely

166 (37.2)

269 (63.3)


Q3. To what extent has our service met your needs?

 None of my needs have been met

39 (8.7)

5 (1.2)


 < .001

 Only a few of my needs have been met

150 (33.6)

73 (17.2)

(2.63, 5.64)


 Most of my needs have been met

200 (44.8)

206 (48.5)


 Almost all of my needs have been met

57 (12.8)

141 (33.2)


Q4. If a friend were in need of similar help, would you recommend our service to him or her?

 No, definitely not

6 (1.3)

3 (0.7)


 < .001

 No, I don’t think so

10 (2.2)

3 (0.7)

(1.40, 2.84)


 Yes, I think so

184 (41.3)

124 (29.2)


 Yes, definitely

246 (55.2)

295 (69.4)


Q5. How satisfied are you with the amount of help you received?

 Quite dissatisfied

6 (1.3)

2 (0.5)


 < .001

 Indifferent or mildly dissatisfied

58 (13.0)

21 (4.9)

(2.194, 4.51)


 Mostly satisfied

263 (59.0)

189 (44.5)


 Very satisfied

119 (26.7)

213 (50.1)


Q6. Have the services you received helped you to deal more effectively with your problems?

 No, they seemed to make things worse

6 (1.3)

0 (0.0)


 < .001

 No, they really didn’t help

44 (9.9)

15 (3.5)

(2.65, 5.72)


 Yes, they helped somewhat

299 (67.0)

199 (46.8)


 Yes, they helped a great deal

97 (21.7)

211 (49.6)


Q7. In an overall, general sense, how satisfied are you with the service you received?

 Quite dissatisfied

10 (2.2)

4 (0.9)


 < .001

 Indifferent or mildly dissatisfied

58 (13.0)

18 (4.2)

(2.494, 5.21)


 Mostly satisfied

285 (63.9)

207 (48.7)


 Very satisfied

93 (20.9)

196 (46.1)


Q8. If you were to seek help again, would you come back to our service?

 No, definitely not

5 (1.1)

3 (0.7)


 < .001

 No, I don’t think so

17 (3.8)

6 (1.4)

(1.65, 3.57)


 Yes, I think so

181 (40.6)

106 (24.9)


 Yes, definitely

243 (54.5)

310 (72.9)

  1. Data are presented as number (percentage)
  2. Adjusted for age, gender, method of self-harm and depression at baseline
  3. a Expressed as odds for CMAP + E-TAU group relative to odds for E-TAU group