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Table 1 Background characteristics of new-onset asthma cases and matched controls in WSAS in 2009–2016

From: Exogenous female sex steroid hormones and new-onset asthma in women: a matched case–control study


Cases (N = 114)

n (%)

Controls (N = 717)

n (%)

P valueb

Age (years), mean (SD)

44.0 (14.7)

44.7 (14.4)


BMI (kg/m2)



  < 25

78 (68.4)

469 (65.4)



18 (15.8)

174 (24.3)


 ≥ 30

15 (13.2)

64 (8.9)



3 (2.6)

10 (1.4)


Smoking status



 Never smoker

63 (55.3)

402 (56.1)


 Former smoker

41 (36.0)

268 (37.4)


 Current smoker

10 (8.8)

47 (6.6)


Place of residence




65 (57.0)

414 (57.7)


 Outside Gothenburg

49 (43.0)

303 (42.3)


Level of education



 Less than high school

12 (10.5)

122 (17.0)


 High school

31 (27.2)

201 (28.0)


 Tertiary level

68 (59.6)

389 (54.3)



3 (2.6)

5 (0.7)


Use of hormonal contraceptives




10 (8.8)

65 (9.1)



62 (54.4)

204 (28.5)



42 (36.8)

448 (62.5)


Use of MHTc




27 (50.0)

123 (34.6)



8 (14.8)

25 (7.0)



19 (35.2)

207 (58.3)

  1. Abbreviations: BMI body mass index, MHT menopausal hormone therapy, SD standard deviation
  2. aAge, body mass index and place of residence were based on the 2008 questionnaire survey; smoking status and level of education were based on the 2016 questionnaire survey; the hormonal exposures were based on the Women’s Questionnaire survey in 2018–2020
  3. bStudent’s t-test was used for continuous variables, and Fisher’s exact test for categorical variables
  4. cAmong 409 women aged \(\ge\) 45 years at baseline in 2008