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Fig. 2 | BMC Medicine

Fig. 2

From: Tomo-seq identifies NINJ1 as a potential target for anti-inflammatory strategy in thoracic aortic dissection

Fig. 2

Validation of pathological features of tissue remodeling in TAD. A Representative photographs of Masson staining for the TA (1) and the RA (2), and quantitative analysis of aortic fibrosis area (3). B Representative images of immunostaining for α-SMA co-localized with CD45, VIM, and CD31 in the TA and the RA. C Representative images of immunostaining for α-SMA, CD45, VIM, and CD31 in the TA and the RA. D The quantitative analysis of CD45 infiltration in the TA and the RA. E Tunel staining of TA and RA of TAD. 1, the tunel stain in the neointima; 2, the tunel staining in the outer media. F Comparison of tunnel positive area ratio between TA and RA. TA, tear area; RA, remote area; inset in A, B, C, and E shows an enlarged local image, scale bar indicates 100 μm; N = 8 for each group in A, D, and F; *P < 0.05, **P < 0.01, ***P < 0.001; quantitative analysis was calculated as the ratio of positive area /total area of tissue section; quantitative data were shown as mean ± SEM; statistical analysis was performed with Student’s t test (A, D, F)

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